
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Tea with Turmeric Coconut Flour Muffin

Yes, baking Muffins from Coconut Flour makes for a delicious result!
Found the recipe on line one day: Turmeric Coconut Flour Muffin Recipe and had to try it.
Here shown on the tennis tray with teacup, see below post.
I will give you the recipe below...
6 large eggs
½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
⅓ cup maple syrup
1 t vanilla extract
1 cup coconut flour
½ t baking soda
2 t turmeric
½ t ginger powder
pinch of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Prepare a muffin tin with 8 muffin liners.
In a large mixing bowl, add eggs, milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix until it's well combined and the eggs begin to bubble.
In a small bowl, sift together coconut flour, baking soda, turmeric, ginger powder, pepper, and salt.
Slowly stir the dry ingredients into the wet ones, until the batter is smooth and thick.
Transfer the batter to a prepared muffin tin, dividing the batter evenly.
Bake for 25 minutes, until slightly browned around the edges.
Remove muffins from the oven, and transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Working with coconut meal is something else!
It can absorb so much liquid - surprisingly!

But in the end, the result is good and turmeric is so healthy as an anti inflammatory ingredient.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

{My 2nd Most Popular All Time Post} | previous post by me showing the tennis tray with teacup by Royal Albert Princess Anne.

Monday, September 4, 2017

I'll Be Darned - I DID IT

We ALL have such projects, tiny and larger ones, that we put off till...
Well, when it rains or when it is a cold winter day?
Nonsense - we MUST just attack them - any time.
This project was laying there since winter...
Yes, I'm honest!
Another hole in one of my favorite house socks for winter!
BUT, I did purchase this antique sock darner from one of our Church ladies that went to heaven... A couple of years ago that is.
Beautiful and practical, that is IF you use it.
Smart ladies that used to work with such an egg shaped sock darner a lot.
Holding on to its sterling silver handle.
Well, I'm sort of old fashioned I guess...
Having such a French antique silver needle case with roses (got another one like this for my baby sister), I was ready to start.
Oh, I still kept some yarn from hand knitted socks for Pieter, done by Pieter's Mom!
Yes, we owe a lot to our Moms as I did watch my Mom many times as a little girl when she was darning socks.
See, a nice hole in my heel!
This is not about dragging my feet... It lay there since winter and now I had to DO it.
That's how Mom showed me, weaving from one end to the other...
Than weaving through from the other end...
Oh, I know mine doesn't look as neat as Mom's used to; she was a MASTER darner!
BUT the hole is filled in!
Once more I can enjoy my favorite BLOOMIES from Bloomingdales.
Grabbed them up once in a sale and I've loved them!
Haha, our kittens loved to attack those pompons!
So, I'm ready for the cold weather for wearing my house socks!

Do you darn?...

Thanks for your visit and comment.