
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

{6 Gorgeous 'Ann Cousins' Peonies in Baccarat Harcourt Pitcher}

  • Today we were lucky to have a full Peonies bouquet of gorgeous Paeonia 'Ann Cousins'! 
  • They are really heavy and the perfect way to hold them with enough counter-weight is by using the heavy crystal Baccarat Harcourt Pitcher. 
  • I was lucky to get this one from an estate sale on eBay, for a better bargain than at Neiman Marcus (now sold out...).
  • It is 6.25" tall and just perfect for such huge flowers. 
  • Promising the widower to take good care of his wife's prized possession. 
  • She will be so proud, looking down from heaven onto such perfect flowers!
  • And taking good care of the pitcher; I WILL!

  • Picture taken on our balcony on the round teak table...

  • Our Confederate Jasmines are blooming, as seen in the back...

  • What a beauty this Paeonia 'Ann Cousins' is!


  1. Hallo Mariette,

    ich hatte eigentlich einen Kommentar zu Omas Rose gegeben, aber scheinbar hat es nicht funktioniert. Diese schöne Rose, ganz alleine aus einem Steckling gewachsen, ist natürlich eine ganz besondere Erinnerung für dich.
    Glückwunsch zum Erwerb der Baccarat Vase. Und die Päonien sehen wunderbar darin aus. Sehr schöne Sorte.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  2. Hi Mariette! How do you do?
    I love this beautiful white peonies, they're very good in that beautiful vase!
    Thanks for your lovely comments, kisses


  3. What beautiful pitchr! Equally (I think so anyway) are those lovely and I bet heavily scented peonies. Just a perfect bouquet sitting on your table. Confederate Jasmine is one I need to plant, just so much enjoy the scent especially in the evenings. A friend of ours in Florida has it all over her fence.
    I wish the peonies could just last a little longer than the spring. I probably wouldn't enjoy them as much if they did as I bring them inside and also they sit on our table outside to enjoy while having lunch or dinner.
    Happy Wednesday


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