
Saturday, May 15, 2010

{KLM Royal Dutch Airlines miniature blue Delftware houses 1 to 90}

This is too good for not sharing with my readers as it gives a complete history and al the information about Collecting the famous KLM-HUISJES or KLM houses, KLM Miniatures, Delfts blauw, Delft Blue, KLM Dutch Houses, blue Delftware houses 1 to 90.
Related to my previous blog {Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends} where you can see some more photos. 




  1. Hallo dearest Mariette, thank you so much for your LOTS OF COMMENTS! (I counted eleven!!! :O) WOW!!!) Sorry that I am a bit lazier in commenting... but I want to tell you that your friendly & sweeet words made me happy after a hard office-day! I am glad that you liked to accompanie me to England and that it brought back fond memories to you! To tell about it and to share my holiday-pictures brings wonderful memories back to ME, too ;o)
    As I've seen in your previous post you are collecting these small dutch houses! They look so pretty! I've been to the Netherlands several times and I really liked the Dutch style, the people, the houses & gardens ...!
    How's the weather in Georgia at the moment? In Austria it is so cold now (about 8 degrees Celsius and stormy, but thanks god rain stopped yesterday!) I hope, spring will come back soon ... but they say this summer will bring not so good weather to middle Europe because of the volcanic ash-cloud... :o(
    Lots of hugs to you, Traude

  2. Dear Mariette!!!!

    SO good to hear from you! I have been worried that you might be cross with me for finding the award you so kindly gave so late.... I was very happy when I saw your name!

    For some reason missed your last I need to tell you how LOVELY the champagne tray looks! I love scattering petals. Actually, a funny story about that: years ago, my good friend Petra fancied this guy...when the time came and she thought he might come home with her, she prepared her bedroom - used her best ( VERY expensive ), white sheets and then she scattered deep red rose petals all over the bed...unfortunately, the petals stained the sheets and she was left with ugly, grey-ish dots all over it....;0 OH, was she cross! Now rose petals always make me smile... But i DO love them!

    Have a lovely day!

    With kind regards


  3. I love the KLM houses and the pretty lace curtains too!
    your tablescape was lovely as well and that jasmine up the balcony is beautiful.


  4. Hallo liebe Mariette,

    vielen herzlichen Dank für deinen Besuch und den lieben Kommentar auf meiner Seite, hab mich sehr darüber gefreut!!!
    Ich finde es sehr faszinierend, eine Leserin aus Georgia / USA begrüßen zu dürfen :o)))

    Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse nie über mein "Schulenglisch" hinaus gekommen und deshalb muss ich dir auch in deutsch schreiben, wäre sonst viel zu peinlich ;o)
    Zum Glück gibt es ja auf deiner Seite einen Übersetzer, und so tu ich mich nicht ganz so schwer, deinen Text zu verstehen. Werde jetzt bestimmt öfter vorbeischaun.

    Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und schicke viele liebe Grüße nach USA

    Alles Liebe ... Sonja

  5. Oh ...was für eine wunderbare Fenserdekoration!!!
    Bezaubernd schön
    Liebe Grüße

  6. I just came to see this small Dutch houses and to drool over them...I simply LOVE THEM dear Mariette! I have 3 Little houses for the Nativity, but this year I haven't staged a village, so they're not around to show you. Thank you for your kind visit, you always make my day sweet friend!

  7. Good morning dear Mariette!!!Your collection of blue Delftware houses,are so beautiful!!!And yes!They look same as the napkin from Delft!!!I must tell to my daughter Flora,to bring me a Delftware house,and yesterday she went to see the preperation of the christmas tree in the centre of Delft!!IFlora said ,that the feast of St. Nicholas, in Delft, she saw many little black children who symbolize his assistants!She loves living in the Netherlands!Thank you for sending this link on FB,and for your sweet comment on my post!Have a lovely day!!Hugs!!! Dimi...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
