
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

{Edible Flowers}

This blog's subject is in reply to a comment by Lilo from Moment, a lovely blogger friend from Niedersachsen, Germany. In her comment on friend Johnanna's blog from Silber+Rosen, Germany... she asked if the pansies that Johanna had on her shortbread cookies, were edible.
So that's the theme for today.
Yes, Lilo, they are edible! And a whole lot of other flowers, besides those pansies. In fact I have for years now the German book with the title: Köstliche Blüten - Rezepten aus dem Kräuter- und  Blumengarten by Marion Nickig/Heide Rau. Edition Ellert & Richter ISBN 3-89234-527-9
For sure this lovely book with recipes from the Herb- and Flowergarden will be available at Amazon in Germany. Here on my blog I only have access to the US Amazon... but it is available here, I did hyperlink it.
Just to wet your appetite: here follow photos from the book. They are scans that I made from the Dutch magazine Nouveau in which they appeared years ago. Let's first find Madelief, another blogger friend from The Netherlands as the first recipe is made for her!
Sorry about the creases, I kept them folded inside the book...
Above are Meizoentjes or Madeliefjes...
that is the Dutch word for Bellis perennis a European variety of Daisy
Holünderblüten in German and Elderblossom in English for syrup.

Wood violets for the salad!
Soup with cowslip, primrose...

To even it out, something in English here above for those readers that can't read Dutch...
 The recipes in English
The Ice Cream is delicious and I went through the trouble of also crystallizing the wood violets myself!

And to top it off, a British book about THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS by Sheila Pickles who used to be managing director of Penhaligon's, the exclusive London perfume house.


  1. DEAR Mariette!!!!!

    WHAT an interesting post - I am back later to read ALL - just starting the day here and stealing a few minutes whilst having my morning coffee, the weather is SO nice today, got to get out....!!!

    I LOVE edible flowers and planning on growing them next year in my veg box.... So am VERY interested!!!

    Just to let you know you are in the hat - twice - and THANK YOU for taking part and 'advertising" for me!!!!

    Have a lovely day!

    Lots of love

    Nicola x

  2. Dear Mariette,
    yes, you are right, there are a lot of flowers eatable. And surely all of us have already eaten flowers, ie cauliflowers, broccoli, artichokes. But to tell you the truth, It is somehow hard for me to bite pansies or other flowers. It is easier, when the are crystallized, like rose petals or violets. Thank you for this many interesting recipes.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Liebe Mariette, irgendwie ist es richtig lustig: "Köstliche Blüten" und wahrscheinlich noch andere Kochbücher aus Deutschland in Georgia. Passend dazu (keine Blüten ;) ) habe ich heute einen Post "Moin Moin", in dem ich mich oute und zugebe, dass ich auch in Uruguay meine alte Kaffee- und Teetasse ganz doll lieb habe *lach*.

    Ganz liebe Grüße



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