
Sunday, June 6, 2010

{Victorian hybrid Pelargonium 'Red Rosebud'}

As promised on April 21 in my blog: {RARE ANTIQUE ROSE JEANNE D'ARC} (1818 FRANCE), some more info about the Victorian hybrid Pelargonium RED ROSEBUD

 This photo shows some freshly cut Victorian hybrid Pelargonium: Red Rosebud. They are inside a tiny silver vase with embossed roses. The total height is a little over 3" and for comparison I've placed a 10 cents coin beside it. The photo is taken in our gazebo, by daylight, with the grass as background...
This Victorian hybrid features clusters of tiny double blossoms.
For my US and Canadian readers, this rare Pelargonium is available at Logee's Greenhouse.  They also sell the Pink Rosebud.
For readers in The Netherlands or nearby, they can obtain this beauty at De Gaerde where Toine Vermunt will have them for you! 
For readers in Scandinavia I would recommend to visit Wenche's Pelargoniumlbog from Oslo/Norway, as they do have the Rosebud and also the Rococo; Appleblossom Rosebud; Plum Rosebud; even a  White double Rosebud and a Ruby Rosebud; and here you see the Wedding Royale...
Okay, I could go on and on but you just explore these sites and wet your appetite. These Rosebud or Rosenknopp Pelargoniums are LOVELY!
This tiny vase is actually an antique silver handled walking stick...


  1. Hallo liebe Marietta,

    vielen, vielen Dank für deine lieben Kommentare auf meinem Blog, ich hab mich wieder sehr darüber gefreut!!! Und ich finde dein Deutsch eigentlich sehr gut, hab keinerlei Probleme damit, es zu verstehen.
    Leider ist mein Englisch miserabel und so kann ich immer nur raten, was du auf deinem Blog schreibst, denn selbst mit dem Übersetzer von Google ist es sehr schwierig.
    Aber das macht nichts, ich finde deinen Blog trotzdem sehr schön und diese Blumenbilder sind wirklich zauberhaft. Kann es sein, dass es sich hier um eine Geranien Art handelt? Ich glaube Geranien nennt man auch Pelargonien :o) Auf jeden Fall sind sie wunderschön :o)))

    Wünsche dir noch einen guten Start in die neue Woche und schick viele liebe Grüße nach Georgia


  2. Dear Mariette, this Victorian hybrid Pelargonium "Red Rosebud" is really amazing. In the tiny silver vase does it look as if it made for a dollhouse. So cute. I have a rosebud pelargonium in white and rose and it blooms really lovely but is a bit sensitive to raindrops and gets easy botrytis. But anyway, I love this pelargoniums.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Dear Mariette!!!!

    They are STUNNIG, so sweet!!!! And do they have a lovely scent? Nothing better than cutting your own flowers and bringing them indoors!! I too have had a go at my peachy rose and love the way how they look - so much more natural (and it somehow makes me feel proud that they are mine!!)

    Hope they will last a long time (oh, apparently, an I know EVERYONE has THE tip how your roses will last longer, they LOVE Perrier - got to be Perrier - according to the 93 year old mother of an ex-boss - and she had a lot of roses during her time, she used to say..:)) - I do think if you believe in these things, they work a little bit...!

    Have a wonderful start to the week!!



  4. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat een mooie kleur geranium! De kleur rood is prachtig. Ik moest even goed kijken om te zien of het nu echt een geranium was en geen roos. Wat een bijzonder exemplaar om in je tuin te hebben! Ik hoop dat je hem van de winter kan overhouden. Het is mij tot nu toe nog niet gelukt, maar ook deze winter ga ik weer een poging doen!

    Ik ga een kijkje nemen op de website van De Gaerde.

    Fijne dag!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  5. Liebe Mariette!

    Thank you so much for visit my blog. Your blog is beautiful. Now I've read some of your posts - also the text written by your husband. Wonderful.

    I've no idea, what's better for you. English or German? I'm able to understand Dutch, but I can't write it ;).



  6. Dearest Mariette,
    These are so lovely. I have never seen them before but I will enjoy visiting the Logee's Greenhouse. Thanks for the introduction to these beauties. Ginger XO


Thanks for your visit and comment.
