
Monday, July 19, 2010


Romantic Forget-Me-Not from seeds we have now and I want to share them with you in this blog.
As a little girl I loved these tiny blue flowers as they grew near the pond, that my Dad had dug. Their lovely blooms have never left my memory and I always tried to grow some. Pairing them in a vase with our roses is so beautiful.
Let me name this blog in honour of Sissi; the beloved Persian cat of a dear friend and blogger in Germany. Johanna Gehrlein and her family lost her a couple of days ago. Here her blog post: Sissi am Montag - So ist das Leben is about Sissi... post has been removed.

It is also from Johanna that I learned how to use table linens for a back drop in my photos... She used it cleverly on one of her many blogs related to her book: Rosen-Bestecke about Silver Rose Flatware.
Above you see once again a Baccarat Crystal perfume bottle that I use for such mini roses with Forget-Me-Not as a filler. The light is playing very nicely, as I took the photos inside the gazebo.

Shown on hand crocheted placemat.
 The French say it so well: Think of me...


  1. Dear Mariette,
    what a sweet tribute to Sissi. Thank you for all your loving words about her and so much for this little Bunch Roses and Forget me not, you made such nice photos with it. The little server is so beautifull, decorated like Art Nouveau, I just love it.
    Warmest greetings, Johanna

  2. Hi Mariette, detailing the most beautiful to devote this entry to cat friends. Hopefully I can come at any time if it works or lost, I tell you a little story, they were neighbors for several years with your cat to the field, quite removed from home and they lost, they sought without success. The distance was about one town to another. Several weeks passed and the cat back in poor condition, thin, all dirty, but appeared! They held that back! We all wondered how such action cat, distance and after so many weeks, but I heard that cats, in case they are lost. so good luck to your friend. The roses are beautiful, always inspiring, greetings Rose marie

  3. Hallo liebe Mariette,

    deine Bilder sind ganz zauberhaft, ich mag das Vergissmeinnicht auch soo gerne und so wie du es mit den tollen Rosen arrangiert hast, sieht es wirklich wunderschön aus :o)

    Ich wünsch dir eine wundervolle Zeit und schick ganz viele liebe Grüße


  4. Hoi Marietta,
    mooi ja die vergeet-me-niet-jes!Alleen in mijn tuin staan ze niet;heb alleen witte bloemen...
    En ja ik weet er alles van om een geliefd huisdier te verliezen;wij hadden onze Siamees 18 jaar...
    Lieve groetjes uit het zonnige Limburg van

  5. Cats sometimes get bored at home. cats think You lost me, great, now i get to have lots of fun until you catch me again, but by then i'll need to be groomed anyway. some persian cats have good taste and are willing to be domesticated. If the owners are loving and like someone who's high maintenance. Not that they're catty during certain periods. But some animals are caring and give high maintenance. Do you ever see how well-groomed they tend to get after all that fight to get them back? Don't give up. You've always had Sissi, haven't you? Do you believe in miracles? What's meant to be will be, don't fret.

  6. i will recieve all responses at i'll keep better track.

  7. Just need to clarify something about Sissi the persian cat. She was my German friend Johanna's cat and she is no longer alive; she died...
    It would become very clear if following the hyperlink to her blog about Sissi.

  8. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    zunächst einmal lieben Dank für die lieben Zeilen, plus Link, die du mir geschickt hast (jetzt weiß ich besser Bescheid über dein Popo-Plattsitzen ;o)) Sorry, dass ich mich erst jetzt wieder melde, im Moment ist so verdammt viel anderes zu tun, dass ich kaum an den PC komme. Aber von Johannas Sissi habe ich bereits erfahren - so traurig, aber zugleich auch wudnerbar, dass sie dem Kätchen noch eine schöne Zeit gemacht hat. Im Tierheim wäre die Kleine vermutlich schon lange nciht mehr am Leben gewesen... Die Vergissmeinnicht sind wunderbare Blumen, die einem tatsächlich auch immer wieder gewisse Erinnerungen wachrufen. Bei uns hier sind sie leider schon seit zwei Monaten wieder verblüht, das Klima in Österreich ist ja doch "ein bisschen" anders als in Gerogia... :o)
    Ganz herzliche Grüße, Traude

  9. Dear Mariette!!!!

    Been SO long again - SORRY....and only stopping quickly (going on hoilday, much to do still) - will come back to you properly when all settled in France...thougth of you today as I think I have figured out that friend ship will explain it next time! Hope you are well!!!



  10. ♥Olá, amiga!!!
    Feliz Dia do Amigo!!!♥♥
    Com carinho,

  11. Hey there ! Thanks for the comment ! I don't have any idea how to get you so I post a comment here ;) You always have good comments on lookville, I always read them but too bad you gonna leave. I don't think there's other who really can be a good adviser like you..

    I played the music but I do not compose the song ! I wanna take fashion design as you did, music is just my hobby ! ;)

    Good day ! Take care


  12. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. It's always nice to hear from you. The little bouquet is very sweet! Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  13. These little flowers are so pretty. And what a beautiful name they have. Together with roses, they made a lovely bouquet.

  14. ... wunderbar verträumte Bilder sind das. ;)) Herzlichst, Bea

  15. Absolutely lovely Mariette!!! and wonderful pictures too!!!
    Thanks so much for your visit today.
    maria cecilia


Thanks for your visit and comment.
