
Friday, October 8, 2010

{Royal Dutch Airlines 91 years on October 7}

Today is the KLM Royal Dutch Airline's 91st anniversary as they started on October 7, 1919.
Just by coincidence did I take today a photo of this special edition house that friend Ellie carried in her luggage for me. She arrived on September 2nd with KLM Dutch house # 90 and its special book. I'd purchased that on line, as we no longer are in the air as Royal Wing members... We've done our share!
Not all Delftware houses from KLM were filled with Dutch gin...
They do line the windows in our veranda; all 90 of them since Ellie got me the latest.
That is, today house # 91 was added to the collection and I will certainly add that one too.
At the last window there still is some space left...
Beautiful gift box with House No. 90 and the special book.
Hardcover with cloth and with a special ribbon you can lift the book out of its box; very clever design!
 On the cloth cover, there is a raised house in a kind of vinyl; so beautifully done.
How unique...
Some history, written on October 7, 2009.
Husband Pieter's total miles of 1,262,856 on NWA; partner of KLM at that time. That is a LOT of hours/months in the air with only ONE airline! So we got to know KLM very well in the skies, being International Consultants.
Pieter's travel map on TravBuddy. He got to see 19% of the countries of the world! Click on the hyperlink to see it on his Facebook page, there you can view the actual countries being listed below the map.
My 1,133,546 total miles on NWA. A little bit less, as Pieter did travel for Campbell Soup, being their VP Training and Development for the Mushroom Division. He went by himself to New Zealand and also on a trip to China, via Japan as a delegate from People to People Citizen Ambassador Program.
For the rest I joined him, as Pieter had requested that he could take his wife along on any trip longer than 8 hours. Thereby declining his right to travel first class on flights longer than 8 hours.
Thus I got to visit my parents quite often in those five years, because of this smart clause in his contract. For Campbell it even saved them money as economy class was far cheaper, even for the two of us.
For me it yielded no more than 15% of the countries of the world. See my TravBuddy travel map to view the actual countries listed below this map. These are countries where we actual traveled to; not just landed at the airport...
That was the 91th birthday of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and we owe them a lot of gratitude!


  1. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    die Häuschen sehen ja entzückend aus!!!
    Und was die Luftmeilen anbelangt, da kann ich gar nicht mithalten. Ich bin erst einmal geflogen.....
    Alles Liebe

  2. Hallo Mariette,
    ich mag diese Häuschen besonders gern und habe sie in den Niederlanden schon das ein oder andere mal bewundern können. In das Fenster passen sie perfekt, was passiert wenn das Fenster voll ist und es noch mehr Häuser gibt? Sammelst Du dann nicht mehr?Grins.

    Ach ja meine Flugmeilen betragen 0, ich bin noch nie geflogen und habe auch Angst davor.

    Ganz liebe Grüße

  3. Jeetje Mariette,
    wat n "airmiles"...nou zeg, niets voor mij, ik hou er niet van. Huisje is erg leuk, hier in de buurt spaart ook iemand ze.
    Wens je een fijn weekend en zal je toevoegen op Facebook, al zit ik er niet vaak!

  4. Nice blog to get bookoing information during CWG special and all. To get more about booking and tourism information london delhi airfares

  5. OMG they look so adorable lined up there...

    Nice, nice. nice:)

  6. Very educational. KLM is 3 yrs younger than my dad §;-)

    Happy Friday,

  7. ooh die häuschen! ich finde ja so kleine schätze und zaubärsachen kann frau eh niemals genug haben, oder? wünsch dir ein schönes wochenende und gaaaanz liebe grüße!

  8. Adorable. I have 3 of these little houses, and no desire to acquire any more, but I like them a lot. They're just so darn cute. I love your collection!

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. Oh, and I love your name!


  9. You have traveled a lot, dear Mariette, and KLM took booth of you always safaty... that´s good!! The collection look really preatty in your window.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
