
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

{Post # 148 and my blog is 1 year old today!}

Today marks a very special day as on November 23 of last year I did launch my very first blog-post about Romancing the Home.
At that time I was very sick, in excruciating pain and could not even get to my PC... Only a second blog-post I launched on December 13, showing: {Fragrant Paperwhite Narcissus flowers in early December}. Together with a reply to Johanna Gehrlein  from Silber-und-Rosen-Shop about her question.
By the end of the year I was walking on crutches...
On January 9 of this year I was in the hospital being almost totally paralyzed with very high fever that they couldn't knock down at first. 
It was on January 11, that I cried in my hospital bed; on the birthday of my still born sister 'Mariet' who would have been almost 13 months older than I am. 
I told her that I was NOT yet ready to see her in heaven...
After four days in the hospital they put me on Prednisone and the pain went away.
Again I could MOVE! What a joy.
Being diagnosed with a very rare auto immune disease, I was now on the mend!
For my sister Mariet, trying to live for her as well, I've added 'TE' behind my name.
That's the story behind my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics. 
Anyway, most people here in the US had difficulties pronouncing Mariet, so this works well.

So there came my next blog on March 21, about dear Friend Johanna Gehrlein's: {Splendid book about Silver Rose Flatware}. That is about my passion: Silver Rose Flatware.
Only since April 4, I know my statistics as I was way behind with everything and slowly did catch up on my daily life's routine.
Not bad for only seven-and-a-half month of data:
6,544 Visits
34,859 Pageviews
6,544 Visits came from 74 countries/territories
It just so happened that recently, country # 73 is Georgia! Living in Georgia/USA this is special.
The First Lady of Georgia is Dutch born Sandra Roelofs.
So this is a double-Dutch connection...

Related links:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so happy about the recovering of your health. I remember well that time, you wrote me about your heavy health problems. Thank God you are fine again. It is really like a second live for you and especially for Pieter.
    Congratulations on your blog birthsday. Is it really so long time ago, you started to blog? Amazing, how the time is running. And today you have a lot of readers around the whole world which enjoy your interesting posts about so many different themes.
    Lets drink a Mimosa for that event: " Proost,voor een goede gezondheid!"

    Herzlichst, Johanna

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    welch ein Glück, dass du wieder gesund bist. Das grenzt ja schon fast an ein Wunder, nach alldem, was du durchgemacht hast. Ich freue mich ganz doll mit dir, denn Gesundheit ist das Wichtigste überhaupt. Wie schön, dass es auch Pieter wieder besser geht.
    Zu deinem Blog-Geburtstag gratuliere ich ganz herzlich. Es ist immer wieder sehr schön bei dir vorbei zu schauen, zu sehen, wie du lebst und was deine Interessen sind. Ich bin sehr dankbar dich kennengelernt zu haben.

    Ganz liebe Grüße von Elvira aus dem mittlerweile winterlich kalten Deutschland.

    P.S. Heute gab es bei uns die ersten Schneeflocken.

  3. Happy blog-a-versary! Wow, a whole year...that's wonderful. I'm so glad your health problems are on the mend and here's to another year of blogging!!!




  5. Hi Mariette, Congratulations! have accomplished a great feat for a year to maintain your blog. It grieves me that were you sick, but look what you could have today, thank God. You're right and that after those wonderful stats of your blog, you're out winning twice, both with your lovely blog and your health. I wish you many more years as "bloggers", are very dear in this environment, in addition to that many people, myself included, we are honored to have you on ours with your charming, always just comments! Blessings on your health and greater success in your great life, Rose Marie greetings

  6. Hi Mariette, Happy Blog Birthday!! What a year you have had, so many trials and tribulations, but you have been strong and over come them!! I hope the next year brings you much joy!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Hugs to you,

  7. liebe Mariette,
    nun hast Du mich schon ein paar Mal in meinem Blog besucht ... dafür danke ich Dir sehr herzlich ♥ heute Morgen bin ich hier her zu Dir gekommen, um mal zu sehen, was es bei Dir alles gibt ... und da lese ich mit großer Bestürzung von Deiner Krankheit, von der schlimmen Zeit, die Du hast durchstehen müssen ... ich freue mich so sehr, dass es Dir nun wieder gut geht und Du gesund bist!!! für die Zukunft wünsche ich Dir viel Kraft und Gottes Segen ... und zu Deinem Blog-Geburtstag gratuliere ich Dir natürlich auch, schön, dass Dich so viele Menschen besuchen, die die gleichen Interessen haben wie Du ... alles Liebe von der Rosabella ♥

  8. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I am interested in reading more of your blog. Thanks for visiting mine and for the nice comment.

  9. Hi Mariette, thank God for your health and many blessings. I've learned in the past several weeks that one cannot take anything for granted. Each day is a gift. You are so blessed to have been so many places in the world, to have experienced so much. Thank God for the gift of you. Many blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  10. Happy Happy Blog Birthday, Mariette. Your overviews are fun.
    I did forget to put my answer on but I was looking at my husband, his face was on the other side of the tree.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! xxxx

  11. You tell the story of that name Mariette, in such a moving way. C'est un très joli prénom !!

    Chaleureusement votre chère Mariette
    !!✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  12. Hi Mariette,
    What a wonderful story of you and your recovery. I am so happy you were blessed with new health and I pray it continues.
    Happy Anniversary of your blog too. Many more happy days of fun and friendship in blogland.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comments are always so encouraging to me more then you know. I had so much fun catching up on your posts. Love everything and your talents for sharing such beauty!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  13. Wow, what a story- sorry I missed your blog anniversary by 2 days ..:-(( Happy Blog Anniversary! What a terrific achievement.
    Thank you so much for the positive comments on my new blogpost.
    Ach, wat ben ik nu in Her Engels aan het schrijven !! Dom hoor!!
    Dikke kus,
    Ben blij dat je aan beterende hand raakte en je mooi blog ging doen.

  14. Was für eine Geschichte! Ich freue mich sehr, dass es dir wieder gut geht!! Alles Liebe zum Bloggeburtstag, Yvonne

  15. Liebe Mariet(te), ich gratuliere dir (mit leichter Verspätung - sorry!) nicht nur zu deinem Blog-Geburtstag, sondern auch zu dem Tag im Krankenhaus, an dem du in gewisser Weise "wiedergeboren" wurdest. Deine Schwester ist gewiss glücklich darüber, dass du weiterhin ein wertvolles & lebendiges Leben auf der Erde führst - Zeit für ein Wiedersehen (oder Zusammenkommen) im Himmel ist auch in 30, 40 oder 60 Jahren noch!
    Herzlichst, Traude

  16. HERZLICHEN Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag des Blogs und noch viele weitere Jahre voller Freude hier!! :-)

    Ihr feiert heute Thanksgiving?? So toll! So richtig mit Truthahn und Gästen und so? Wundervoll!

    Einen lieben Gruß und "Happy Thanksgiving"!!


  17. Hello Mariette,
    Happy Blog Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    P.S. I love your profile picture. You look so beautiful and happy!

  18. Dear Mariette, Happy anniversary.
    Thank you for stopping by at my blog.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
