
Saturday, November 27, 2010


Words written down in my poetry album; by a dear friend of mine.
Back home in The Netherlands, as well as in Germany it is called a Poesie Album.
 As a little girl I received one as soon as I could write and when that first one became full, another one followed. Even in my adult years I've added a very fancy one that I bought in Québec City, Canada, one that is made from hand-made paper... Very romantic. 
It would be interesting for you to see the utterly romantic version, almost ANGELIC looking Poesie Album; made by Elvira from Rosengärtchen.
Just visit her blog, she has a translator and you also can go to her shop, to the right on her blog. She is so talented and I'm privileged for having purchased so far, four of her handmade items. Where in the world can one find this kind of high quality romantic needle-work?! Quite a breath of fresh air, compared with the mass produced items that we're flooded with these days...
But I also want to share the poem written for me by dear friend Bette. We lived at the same apartments in Shillington, Pennsylvania at that time... Just before moving to Italy.
Again we have contact, thanks to INTERNET!
Thanks again Bette! You don't know what those words meant to me... 
Indeed, I'm very lucky for having a 'joie de vivre' that most search a lifetime for.
Maybe it's because I believe in Angels; like my dear sister whose name I bear and whose life I try to live. In my previous blog of November 23, I did mention that.
Elvira from Rosengärtchen also has this 'joie de vivre' as she's quite a spunky lady, living in Hamburg, Germany. 
You should see the gorgeous Christening gowns she makes! 
Also her own garments she makes in a skillful way.
Once in a while we come across such special people that touch our hearts big time!


  1. Guten Morgen liebe Mariette,

    kaum bin ich heute Morgen erwacht, fand ich deine Nachricht bezüglich des Translators vor. Vielen Dank dafür, ich hatte es total übersehen. Aber nun geht er wieder. Und was finde ich nun hier in deinem Blog???? Eine Laudatio auf mein Können!!! Meine Ohren werden ganz rot und ich freue mich sehr und danke dir!! Wenn das kein schöner Tagesbeginn ist!!! Danke dir, du Liebe!!!

    Sei sehr lieb gegrüßt und herzlich umarmt von Elvira, die ebenso an Engel glaubt und gerade feststellt, dass sie einem Engel (via Internet) begegnet ist, der ganz weit weg in Georgia wohnt. ;-)))

  2. Dear Mariette,
    oh yes, I remember those Poesie-Albums, they have been a very important thing in my school time. If you were asked to write a friend a poem in her book, that was a honor to do. If not that meant a shame for you. So everbody was thrilled to write especially nice poems and to adorne them with wonderful little stickers, called "Oblaten". Also our teachers and parents has been asked to write in this book and they choose always very wise and thoughtful poems. Today similar books are still in use, but as friends-books and they ask like a formular to write name, address, hobbies etc. Not really the same thing.

    Elvira has truly a wonderful shop of nice handcrafted things and her Christening gowns are worth to be sent around the world. Such a gown is a wonderful memory for every child and can be easily used over several generations.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful poesiealbum this is! I still have mine as well. It's full of rhymes from my chilhood friends, my grandparents and my daughters. It means very much to me and has a special place in my cupboard. Now and then I open it to see what everyone has written and to take a step into the past!

    Wish you a Happy Advent sunday!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  4. So wunderschön!! Liebe schönes Papier, Heftleins und auch Poesiealben, auch wenn ich diese eher als Kind benutzt habe. Habe immer noch meine zwei von früher als Erinnerung aufbewahrt. Schönen Adventsabend, alles Liebe Yvonne

  5. Hi Mariette, What a beautiful cover of your book of poems. beautiful the world of the poems, I think out of sensitive souls, dreamers. It is a subtle art, as all have not given us such a distinguished gift. " Warm greetings, Rose Marie


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