
Monday, November 15, 2010

{Our last Datura Angel's Trumpets and TEA with a Twist}

Today we just had three beautiful almost white Angel's Trumpet flowers from the Datura.
Its botanical name is: Datura inoxia var. quinquecuspida. Common names: devil's trumpet, downy thornapple, toloache, angel's trumpet. Family: Solanaceae (nightshade Family).
Since it was a rather dark day, I took them out on the balcony for the photos.
Are those blooms not wonderful? Greenhouse blossoms for now...
We got these fragrant beauties from Logee's in Connecticut.
On Friday I did receive my two personalized Tea books from +Lisa Boalt Richardson as she just had gotten back from her Taiwan and Japan trip.
On the above hyperlink you can read her blog about Lisa knows tea.
Made myself a cup of Dutch Mango tea; one of my favorite blends from Douwe Egberts Pickwick.
It didn't quite go together with the Japanese earthenware Kyusu teapot for green tea...
That was a July 2007 gift, from my Japanese host family in Osaki, together with the lacquered round wooden tray.
This is the 360 ml special earthenware Japanese Kyusu teapot for green tea.
The table runner is also from Japan.
Stay tuned as I will write about more travels later...
The teacup is Japanese as well, Pieter did bring it home from an antique shop in London, while on a business trip. The silver rose spoon on its saucer is one of my favorites. Certainly Johanna from Silber-und-Rosen-Shop would love this one, as she wrote the book about Silver Rose Flatware: Rosen-BesteckeThat is another book that I cherish very much!
These books will be great to use with the ladies for my classes, just pouring over them...
Tea with a Twist
 Great Christmas Gifts!

If you are cold, tea will warm you
If you are too heated, it will cool you
If you are depressed, it will cheer you
If you are excited, it will calm you
Gladstone, 1865

Related links:
{Angel's Trumpet}| previous post by me
{Our Datura Angel's Trumpets} | previous post by me
BRUGMANSIAS and DATURAS | interesting info!


  1. Lovely! Tea certainly has a rich history from cultures all around the world. We had the best chai masala while in India. I cannot duplicate the taste at home and certainly the ambience would not be the same. Great memories of time spent there. Those books like wonderful and insightful. Have a terrific Tuesday. :) Tammy

  2. Hello Mariette,

    what a loveely post you made. Not only because of the cute spoon, you know that I love to see such flatware with roses. But it is very interesting to see this special Japanese tea pot. We don't know so much about but I have heard that Japanese earthenware has very rare and expensive items. I am impressed by the colors, little blue on the brown and the perfect shape. I guess, it is handmade. And dear Pieter was so nice to bring you this wonderful cup. You are really perfect in decorating, they go so well together. Ant the Datura flowers are to die for. I love the heavy scent of them and the heavenly shape. Really pretty vignettes!
    The books sound very interesting and I will have a look in them next time. Thank you so much for sharing. Christmas shopping is so easy when I see so many nice things, we can't find in the stores here.
    Wish you a nice day,
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    Du zelebrierst eine Teepause, dass finde ich sehr schön. Ich selber bin nicht so der Teefreund ich mag lieber Kaffee, wenn ich dann doch einmal Tee trinke bevorzuge ich Kräutertees.

    Ganz liebe Grüße

  4. Dear Mariette!!!

    Your post makes me feel all warm!!!!Nothing better in the winter than a lovely cup of tea, poured from a proper tea pot!!!!! And the Tea book sounds very interesting too - I might just have a look for it. Keeping this short as I am already 30 minuteslnger than Ih ad planned to be, Crumbs is hungry, the fire has burned right down and I better now go and put the kettle on and get ready for this beautiful icy but sunny day!!!!

    Lots of love

    Nicola x

  5. Dear Mariette, so lovely to drink a mango tea in that pretty tea cup and that so beatufiul Datura angel´s trumpet, god, never seen a flower like this one, really, really wonderful!!!
    muchos cariños

  6. Prachtig teekopje, Mariette! En de Datura gewoon zo in je tuin? Prachtig!
    Have a nice week!

  7. Hello Mariette, what a lovely post, and thank you for dropping over to my blog today :) I purchased the Limoges cups at an Antique store in the Upper Peninsula here in Michigan several years ago, and they are my most favorites. I adore the sweet roses on them :)

    Happy Tea Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  8. Hallo Mariette,
    Leuk , nu kwam ik je weer tegen op Johanna uit Duitsland haar blog- en ik DENK dat je waarschijnlijk ook Nederlands bent - ja, klopt dat ?? Ja ,je had gelijk met je vermoeden dat ik ook uit nederland kom, oorspronkelijk.
    Ik was heel nieuwsgierig naar je Datura's- prachtige foto trouwens!!Heb ze zelf dit jaar gezaaid en mijn planten staan nu binnen - maar hebben wel wat blad verloren :-(( was niet snel genoeg en het was al een beetje aan het vriezen!
    Hartelijk dank voor de positieve feedback op mijn nieuwe blog
    Groetjes en tot ziens in blogland.

  9. Mariette Hla, we are amazed! of those flowers look beautiful 'white angel's trumpet, I do not think seeing them is that they look so beautiful! nice complement to your table with this delicious tea. Rose Marie greetings




  11. Dearest Mariette. What a lovely post and recommendations for reading learning about world teas. Were you aware that North Americas only tea plantation is on the outskirts of Charleston, SC on Wadmalaw Island? They have a fun tour that might be incorporated into one of your classes.
    Your Angel Trumpet blossoms are breathtaking. I can't seem to get mine to bloom.
    Love to you and have a blessed weekend,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
