
Sunday, December 26, 2010

{Buon Natale - Our Christmas Eve Dinner at Ristorante da Maria}

Christmas Eve was very special for us. We had a delicious 5-course dinner at the authentic Italian
Ristorante da Maria, together with our best friends John & Becky. 
Those friends that stood by our side, when Pieter was in Intensive Care... 
Starting off with a bubbling Prosecco, from the region where we used to live and work in Italy. 
Lady Chef Maria Runggaldier is from South Tirol and we lived only about two hours to the east, towards Venice. 
Eating in her restaurant is like going back to our life-in-Italy era. 
The culinary side we loved so much.
Two days ago, Pieter was not doing well at all. His blood pressure had dropped to an alarming two-digit low. So I called the doctor in the evening. He suggested to stop taking a particular prescription drug as obviously through his rehab he'd recovered so well that he didn't need this drug anymore. Contrary, it made him feel miserable. So on Christmas Eve I was so happy that he had fluffed back. Our house was clean and we were ready for a great dinner with dear friends at Ristorante da Maria.
Ristorante da Maria ~ the dining room.
Ristorante da Maria ~ entrance dining room.
On the left you see the evergreen Southern Magnolia.
Inside the entrance door of Ristorante da Maria.
Across from the dining room at Ristorante da Maria, leading into the B & B; 
 In an earlier blog I did write about their  Agriturismo.
Ristorante da Maria dining room overview.
Our table for four at Ristorante da Maria, elegantly set with real linens.
This is also where I do round things up for my 'Manners Do Count' Classes from Learn from Mariette.
Our 5-course Authentic Italian Dinner at Ristorante da Maria.
Lady Chef Maria Runggaldier from Ristorante da Maria with Heinz.
What is Unique at Ristorante da Maria is her ever-changing menu!
Choice of three Entrées. 
Click on images to enlarge!
Ristorante da Maria's exquisite ever-changing Italian menu is the most talked about cuisine in Central Georgia!
That explains a little bit better why we LOVE to live here and what is available in this town.
We left feeling fed very well and went all four of us to Church for Caroling and a Festive Mass.
Ending with the song Silent Night - Holy Night, this made for a perfect Christmas Eve!

 Bodily and Spiritually fed, we slept like roses under our down duvet...
Thankful for so much!


  1. Sounds like a delightfully scrumptious way to spend Christmas Eve and in lovely surroundings with good friends. I think we should stuck with Indian food for our friends. I think they would have been more comfortable but guess it is good to give them a new experience too. They are both so shy. Glad to hear that Pieter is doing better. My husband had a week where his blood pressure skyrocketed. He even went to the hospital at midnite to have it checked and was gone for several hours. He is on medication now and is none too happy about it. It does run in his family so he must keep it under control. Wishing you a great holiday weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Although we have one more day of Christmas to go in Holland and a Christmas dinner to prepare for tonight I wanted to say how happy and good you both look on the picture! I am glad to hear that Pieter is feeling better again and you both spent a lovely night in the restaurant!

    Enjoy your sunday!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  3. Wie schön, liebe Mariette, daß ihr so einen schönen Heiligabend verbringen konntet! Gut und glücklich schaut ihr Beide aus!
    Und es ist schön, daß es Pieter inzwischen wieder besser geht!
    Nun wünsche ich von ganzem Herzen noch eine schöne verbleibende Weihnachtszeit und vor allem einen guten Rutsch in das Neue Jahr 2011 sowie alles Liebe und Gute, vor allem aber Gesundheit für das Neue Jahr!

    Ganz herzlich

  4. Liebe Mariette,ich wünsche euch noch einen gesegneten Weihnachtsfeiertag und erhoffe euch bei guter Gesundheit...
    GGLG Astrid

  5. Hi Mariette, how good and thanks to the Lord and your husband Peter has left this prescription medicine no longer needed and his health is fine, recovered, fabulous way to celebrate the Christmas Eve dinner at the Italian taste, very rich! imagine how much they have to have enjoyed this evening with health, favor of God, best friends, good food and then go to church to enjoy a beautiful communion with God and enjoy the programs that lead to a beautiful worship of God, who keeps us in perfect harmony with life and with Him blessings Rose Marie

  6. So pleased to hear you enjoyed Christmas happily and healthily together!!

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ich danke Dir sehr von Herzen für Deine lieben Zeilen! Und wenn ich so etwas wie "altbacken" schreibe, ist das mehr mit einem Augenzwinkern gemeint. Ich werde an meiner/unserer Tradition festhalten, denn wir lieben nichts anders! Aber ob das die Dekoszene im Blogspot so sehen würde, ist eben doch eine ganz andere Frage, trotz der vermeintlichen Vorlieben von Shabby-Chic. Denn der Shabby aus dem wahren Leben ist meist ein anderer, als der den man als ein Hobby zelebriert.

    Allerdings mußte ich auch Abstriche machen bei der Beleuchtung. Da unser Baum ganz nahe dem Fenster stehen muß, zum Teil noch unbeaufsichtigt, ist die Brandgefahr sonst einfach zu groß. Aber eigentlich mag ich viel lieber weisse lebendige Kerzen, so wie meine Grandma sie früher schon hatte ... na, vielleicht irgendwann einmal wieder ...

    Hach, ihr Zwei sehr so richtig froh aus! Ein schönes Bild!

    Liebste Grüße zurück und Gute Nacht

  8. liebe Mariette,
    wie schön, Euch beiden zu sehen!
    ich freue mich, dass Ihr einen so wunderbaren Abend "bei Maria" verbringen konntet, und in der anschließenden Messe den schönen Tag habt zu Ende gehen lassen ... stille Nacht, heilige Nacht ... wir haben dieses Lied am Heiligen Abend auch in der Kirche gesungen, dabei muss ich immer weinen, in diesem Jahr noch mehr, weil ich dabei an meinen kürzlich verstorbenen Papa gedacht habe ... that's life ... ich freue mich, dass es Deinem Mann wieder besser geht! alles Liebe Euch beiden und bis bald, herzlichst die Rosabella ♥

  9. OMG. Mariette, what a mouthwatering post and I can spot it's real Italian at a very first glance.
    Quite elegant look, too. All the best to both of you, ciao!

  10. liebe Mariette,
    um noch Deine Frage zu beantworten: mein Papa ist am 15. August gestorben ... ich war bei ihm und konnte ihm die Hand halten :-( habe auch in meinem Blog ein wenig darüber geschrieben ... ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Mann einen angenehmen Jahreswechsel und von Herzen alles erdenklich Gute ♥
    Deine Rosabella


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