
Saturday, January 1, 2011

{Peace and Freedom will Prevail}

It just so happened to be that on the 1st day of January, 2005 another American flag was flown, over Iraq, by the United States Air Force; for both of us.
Signed by all eight members on board, including Capt. William R. Kincaid, Aircraft Commander.
Capt. Kincaid is the nephew of our dear friend Rebecca, who also stood by me during Pieter's surgery time. 
They have adopted us into their family and that is a great honor, for both of us.

Pieter and I were very touched by this token of respect, by these brave servicemen.

Presented to 
Pieter Vedder and Mariet VandenMunckhof-Vedder
In recognition of their unwavering support to our nation and its military forces.
"We will not waver, we will not tire; we will not falter, and we will not fail. 
Peace and Freedom will prevail."
President George W. Bush October 7, 2001

This hangs proudly displayed, together with the certificate of the United States of America Flag, that was flown over the United States Capitol on November 30 of 1993. See my previous post: {December 30, 1993 U.S. flag flown over U.S. Capitol for both of us!}
Both are framed by Irok Gallery.

On the side of the organ, where the lamp of Capt. William R. Kincaid's Granddaddy sits proudly.
A family with three generations of pilots who proudly served our nation.

The wooden lamp has been hand turned by the Granddaddy and it is for us a living memory, as we keep it burning on its lowest setting all the time... In honor of another fine and brave man.

This shows the full light...
From the bottom of our hearts we wish all our military people:
a Happy New Year.
May God protect and our nation RESPECT them! 


  1. Dear Mariette, you have certainly had a very interesting and eventful life. Wishing you continued blessings of peace, joy and love in the year ahead. Tammy

  2. Dear Mariette,
    wish you and Pieter a very Happy New Year full of Health, Luck and Joy.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Hallo Mariette,
    Thanks for posting and sharing this----happy new year again.

  4. Dear Mariette,
    wishing you and your family a happy New Year
    take care,
    Warm greetings from Germany

  5. Thank you Mariette,
    It's so wonderful to have a visit from you!
    I'm wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year too...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
