
Sunday, December 12, 2010

{Silk Brocade for our PRINCE OF PEACE}

What is this season all about?
The Third Sunday of Advent is coming and all this leads up to CHRISTMAS the birth of our PRINCE OF PEACE.
Like to share with you a display of a beautiful nativity scene.
My dear friend Ellie gave it to me, the year we had our 25th wedding anniversary.
She for years volunteered at a Dutch 'Wereld Winkel' or Fair Trade shop.
Mouth blown glass with strokes of silver to mark hands, wings and halos. 
Baby Jesus in his manger... with an oxen to the left.
This is art work from the Andes.
Mary with her silver lined halo and the angel with silver lined wings and halo, besides their hands and some brush strokes of silver on the garment. Air bubbles are still visible...
I've placed it on a silk brocade tablecloth that Pieter did bring home from China when he went with the People to People Citizen Ambassador Program. See more info at: {Silk Embroidered Birds from China Trip}.
That is a treasure of course and even more so, since Pieter got to see how they do make such silk brocade.
Silk Brocade; fit for our PRINCE OF PEACE


  1. Liebe mariette, ich wünsche dir einen gesegneten 3.Advent .Die Krippenszene ist wirklich bezaubernd.Wir haben Figuren aus Holz noch aus der Zeit als die Kinder jünger waren und ein Engelsorchester aus dem Erzgebirge...das muss ich allerdings noch vom Speicher holen,fällt mir gerade ein.Vielen Dank auch für deine lieben und ermutigenden Worte die ich immer wieder so treu von dir unter meinen Posts finde.Herlichen Dank ...
    GGLG Astrid

  2. Dear Mariette,
    you nativity is a treasure. Not only the nice colors but also the handmade glass is very delicate and nicely shaped. And the brocade is just the right place to bring it to its best. What a delightful gift.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. How cute this is !! So adorable.
    By the way I read the story just now about the OMA rose, which I found very moving- these things happen for a reason ! And I am sure Oma is very happy knowing you still treasure her in your heart every time you look at her rose...
    Hav a wonderful Sunday.


  4. Prachtig een krib van glas, nooit gezien!
    Fijne zondag nog!

  5. Hi Dear Mariette,
    Oh I love this gorgeous display. The elegance of the glass in blue with silver just captures my heart. And, the beautiful brocade makes it even more gorgeous. What a treasure to enjoy!

    You always share such wonderful inspiration with such gifted talent. What a blessing you are to me.

    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  6. Prince of Peace. What a lovely thought this beautiful day.

    I love the Nativity Set. Simply beautiful.

    Love to you~


  7. Mal etwas ganz anders, liebe Mariette! Und in den Farben, die lange meine Lieblingsfarben waren. Ich besitze noch einiges Glas in diesem Farbton, auch in Blau, überhaupt Grün - Blau - Türkis hatte ich viele Jahre lang dominierend, sogar bei den Möbeln in Antikgrün.

    Eine Krippe besitzen wir gar nicht. Auch meine Eltern und Großeltern kannten diesen Brauch nicht - damals hatte man nur in der Kirche eine große Krippe aus Holz.

    Der Seidenbrokat ist auch sehr schön und die Krippe paßt wunderbar darauf. Spannend muß das sein, zu sehen, wie dieser Brokat hergestellt wird. Die Bilder unter dem Link habe ich mir auch angeschaut.

    Nun wünsche ich Dir noch einen schönen restlichen 3. Advent und lasse liebe Grüße hier


  8. Hi Mariette, How beautiful angels! blue glass look heavenly! and very fine silver detail. is a great treasure! thanks for sharing your treasures with history. Blessings, Rose Marie

  9. Dear Mariette,

    The nativity is gorgeous. Delicate and elegant. The blue color is just adorable!

    Sorry it has taken me a while to catch up with your posts. I want you to know I appreciate your visits to my blog and your sweet comments. Not just a blogging buddy but mainly a friend, that's how I think of you.

    Ready for Christmas?



Thanks for your visit and comment.
