
Sunday, March 6, 2011

{Cooking Class with Lady Chef Maria from Ristorante da Maria}

FINALLY I got admitted to one of Maria's sought after cooking classes. One cannot book soon enough, as they are sold out each and every time. Well, that's NO wonder considering the excellent Lady Chef, Maria Runggaldier is, at her authentic Italian Ristorante da Maria (click it) in the heart of Georgia. So on Wednesday evening I had the honor to watch this elegant Lady Chef and Friend with a group of participants at her cooking class. There were several male participants who joined their wives at Maria's Italian Cooking Class. And why not?! Each one of us got the printed booklet with recipes to take home + valuable notes in addition to that.

Lady Chef Maria is a very talented and charming lady!
Those of you who have not yet tasted her scrumptious dishes have been missing out on quite an experience! She's by far the best Chef in the whole region!

Maria also is a dear friend. Having lived and worked only two hours away from where she's from, in northern Italy, kind of bonded us. And, we both LOVE her food...

Maria did prepare very well for this class.
 Fresh Sage and Basil waiting to be used...

First dish: Little Summer Lasagnette wih tomato, mozzarella and basil pesto
Lasagnette d'estate con pomodori, mozzarella a pesto al basilico
Entrée: 'Saltimbocca' of Veal or Chicken
Saltimbocca di vitello o pollo
Side dishes: 'Peperonata' stewed peppers
Butter-herb Potatoes
Patate al burro ed erbe
Dessert: Chocolate and Strawberry Parfait
Parfait al cioccolato e fragole

Watching Maria prepare the dessert and making notes of all the Chef's secrets, she expertly did pass on.
For me, and for all participants (she only can take up to 10) this unique experience taught us more than a handful of valuable little secrets, that nowhere can be found in any cook book. Very professional and quite entertaining, she captivated our attention during the entire class. Her assistent worked alongside and at all times the kitchen was kept looking neat. 
We were all very impressed, also about the calm and highly professional approach.

The lasagna sheets and fresh made pesto and tomato sauce is being assembled with the mozzarella for the Little Summer Lasagnette.

Maria's hands move very swift and it's hard to capture it on camera...

Here the chicken breasts have been butterflied and prepared with the Prosciutto cotto and sage leaves for the 'Saltimbocca'

 Same procedure now for the Veal Top Round Scaloppini

The Summer Lasagnette is ready to be cut...

 Above is our first dish!

Entrée... Yummy tasting!

A view across our long table with fine table linens, to make it into a very festive Wednesday evening dinner.

Chocolate and strawberry parfait to finish this memorable class.
To anyone who is living in the area I can only highly reccommend to attend, as it is amazing what all you learn about creating a healthy and scrumptious meal yourself with confidence!

Maria's next cooking class is on Wednesday, April 27th...

Related link:


  1. Geweldig !! zo'n koookles !! je zult wel hebben gesmuld!!! fijn weekend...liefs van

  2. Hello Mariette,
    oh, I love Italian food and to see Maria cooking and your nice photos makes me craving for an Italian dinner.
    Thank you so much for this inspiration.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Buonissimi!
    If you want to impress your teacher with some Italian dishes, if you want, I can send you the recipes of Tuscan and Italian dishes ... I love cooking and I have many magazines and books about Italian cooking!

  4. Oi, amiga!
    As receitas da Maria são decorativas e deliciosas.
    Agora, só alegria!...
    Feliz Carnaval!!!

  5. Hi Mariette, What a wonderful event to take a class from such a remarkable lady chef. Love your pics and the dishes look so good. Now I am hungry~~I love to cook Italian and learned from my mother who was an Italian gourmet cook and everything she made was so delicious. I will never cook like her, but I try.
    Thank you for sharing and the inspiration. Perfect for me to be inspired in my Tuscan Cucina!

  6. How fun! The lasagna sounds delicious! Hope you are having a great day. :) Tammy

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ...das sieht so köstlich aus, glaube gerne, das Maria eine hervorragende Köchin ist!
    Ganz tolle Fotos die den Spaß und auch das Kochergebnis gut vermitteln!
    Ganz lieben Gruß und noch ein schönes Wochenende

  8. Leuk zo'n kookles. Het ziet er heerlijk uit. Ik vind de Italiaanse keuken heerlijk. Wij hebben dan ook div. italiaanse kookboeken. Ik zal het John maar niet laten lezen anders komt hij ook naar de volgende kookles hihihi.

    Fijne zondag

  9. Hi Mariette, Fabulous photos of your cooking classes, very versatile and if each dish is Italian, very rich. Pike dessert a true delight! is useful to take advantage of healthy cooking classes and more if a good chef, Greetings, Rose Marie

  10. What fun you must have had! I had a light dinner earlier tonight, and now my mouth is watering for the lovely dinner you made in class.


  11. Delicioso! Looks like a great class.

  12. en?? alles op zeker???;)
    Er staat een "toetje"op mijn blog met jouw naam erop....kom je 'm ophalen???:)


  13. Hello Mariette,

    Oh yes, I like the italian "cuisine" also very much, alltough I live in France, where they have also lovely food, but popular are here the pizza's, it is like the hamburgers in America or the patatoes (friet) in the Netherlands.My daughter works in one of France most famous 5 stars restaurant, where she meet famous people like Roger Moore, Charles Aznavour, Princeses etc. I'am very proud of her.
    Bon appétit!


  14. Cara Mariette,buon appetito!Sicuramente da Maria sarà come mangiare in Italia.Io conosco bene quei piatti che hai illustrato,li faccio anch'io per la mia famiglia.Ciao e salutami Maria,Rosetta

  15. Hello dear Mariette,
    thanks for your sweet comment... I love italian food, your photos are so mouthwatering...
    Viele liebe Grüße

  16. Hallo Mariette, wie lecker das Menü sich liest!Und die Fotos zeigen ein gelungenes Ergebnis. Da wär ich gern dabeigewesen, ich probiere sehr gern aus fremden Töpfen.
    Herzliche Grüße, Ilse

  17. Lieve Mariette - hmmmm, das alles klingt ja seeeeeehr verlockend! Ich danke dir für den Tipp, mal hier reinzuschauen. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, wie toll diese Cooking Class war und wieviel man dabei lernen kann. Ich selbst habe an solch einem Kurs leider noch nie teilgenommen, aber meine Freundin Moni besucht Kochkurse von Spitzenköchen ebenfalls sehr gern und hat dabei schon viele Tricks erlernt. (Zum Glück gibt sie dieses Wissen dann auch an mich weiter :o)) Spaß macht solche eine Cooking Class - und dann gibt es zusätzlich wunderbares Essen - wie schön!!!
    Groetjes and lots of hugs, deine Traude

  18. hm.... sieht das lecker aus! v.a. das letzte bild .... ich liebe nachspeisen ;-)

    DANKE für den link.... das ist ja furchtbar! das müsste man ja bei JEDEM beitrag machen!! oder ich hab da was falsch verstanden, das wär aber VIEL arbeit! und was das soll, habe ich noch immer nicht ganz verstanden... :-(

    lieben gruß!!

  19. What a great chef and a great moment you had learning her recepies and being with this charming lady!!!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
