
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

{Pearlbush Makes the Heart Beat Faster}

It is some ten years ago that we got our Exochorda 'Pearlbush' macrantha The Bride from Caroll Gardens in Westminster, MD but they have suspended their business... We do have many garden gems from that nursery. BUT for those of you that will like what you see here; you can get another variety Pearlbush Exochorda racemosa from Woodlanders, Inc in Aiken, SC.

  • To love a pearlbush takes a special person. One with a beating heart. Yet for some strange reason, few gardeners grow pearlbush or even know it exists. You almost never see it for sale...
  • Round white buds, resembling pearls, expand into pendulous clusters of 1" size, dogwood-like blooms. Pearlbush Exochorda ranks among early spring's showiest bloomers. This compact hybrid called macrantha The Bride remains 4 till 5 feet tall. The Exochorda racemosa grows taller.
  • This is our compact Pearlbush shrub. To the left you still can see the beech tree with all its leaves still on it. They fill up our woodgarden in winter time as they never get bare! We have added lots of evergreen trees and shrubs but this is a nice color mix.
  • As I LOVE pearls, shown here are my Majorica pearls together with the buds from the Pearlbush. There was some wind today so we had a hard time to take these shots with pearls next to the buds... So I did put them on my tea tray for some closeup still life shots. Pieter had this idea to break a few branches off.

  • For those of you in the area; Book and Event for a Garden Tour.


  1. Wonderful and romantic, I like it!
    Beautiful photos,kisses.

  2. Belíssima!

  3. Hello Mariette,
    oh my, I must have such a Pearlbush as I love pearls so much. To harvest such a beautiful necklace with perfect pearls would make me very happy! (Just kidding!)
    This plant looks really like a garden gem. I have never seen one here in Germany. Your garden is like a botanical park, full with precious plants.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Mariette, I must tell you that you have a variety of species of wonderful flowers! The combination of your white flowers with pearls is a "winning duo" both the flower and pearls are the same color, that women do not like pearls? I think you all! are beautiful, hugs, Rose Marie

  5. I love so much pearls but they are more expensive (sobs). Wonderfull photos and these flowers are romantics. I don't now this flowers or I don't now its italian name. Thank for this romantic moment.

  6. Prachtig Mariette,
    vooral die foto's met de parels!
    Goed idee van Pieter!
    Lieve groetjes,

  7. Dearest Mariette your gardens are so beautiful ...if we lived close I would be by for a garden tour. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos ... they bring a smile and sunshine to my day ...and I'm certain they provide the same for others. Blessings, C. (HHL)


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