
Monday, March 21, 2011

{ROSES by Celestina Marie Design + GIVEAWAY}

Our dear friend Rebecca had a birthday and I'd ordered by Celestina Marie Design some special artwork, involving yellow roses. It came in the mail inside the same parcel of which I did a blog on March 4; {Celestina Marie Design Send a Parcel}... Now I can reveal this artwork to you as well. Remember, Celestina Marie has been the artist that made Christmas ornaments for the White House's Blue Room Christmas tree in 1998 and 2004. See also below for a very special GIVEAWAY by Celestina Marie Designs...
'FAMILY the center of life's meaning FAMILY'
That was a perfect and very meaningful text for this purpose. Our dear friends have adopted us into their family. That is so warm and touching and we've shared our ups and downs, being there for one another at times of sorrow and joy. Since both of us have no kins here in the USA it feels so warm to have family now on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Celestina Marie Designs did take great care in wrapping it in a pale green tissue paper with an organdy bow. Please do visit her blog as she's having a great giveaway hand painted Easter bunny by her; see below.
Celestina Marie Designs not only gift wraps the art work in a fabulous way, but look at the enclosed Thank You card with Celestina Marie's own art work...! Who would not want to receive such a special gift! Of course, if two First Ladies received her artwork; why can't we?
Even the back of her artwork is adorned by a special label with yet another of her famous roses...
You better hurry over to her blog: Celestina Marie Design right now to participate in this lovely drawing and maybe win this sweet Easter bunny, done by Celestina Marie Designs.


  1. Schitterend en zo waar ook deze tekst.

    Liefs van Marian( heb je reisverslag over Japan gelezen..indrukwekkend)

  2. Happy spring....!!!!


    I'll go to visit the blog of this talented artist...
    Your friends are lucky to have a friend like you who made ​​them this wonderful gift (worthy of a first lady!)

  4. Hei Mariette,

    Wat mooi geschilderd en een mooie tekst. Die zeker klopt want wij zijn ook blij dat Iris ieder weekend naar huis komt en niet in Volda blijft (1,5 uur bij ons vandaan).

    Nee, Mariette wij wonen niet in het zuiden. Maar aan de westkust van Noorwegen iets onder het midden. Je moet Vanylven opzoeken want zo heet onze gemeente. Fiskå is een plaats in de gemeente.
    Ja, wij hebben hier schone en zuivere lucht. Wij merken het al als wij naar Nederland gaan. Het overigens de honden van onze buren die nu in Spanje liggen te zonnen.

    Fijne dag,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    bereits gestern war ich neugierig auf deinen Post, aber der Übersetzungslink fehlte und ohne verstehe ich nur die Hälfte. Mein Englisch ist leider nicht so gut. Aber heute habe ich mit großem Interesse über eure Japan-Freundschaft gelesen und bin wieder einmal beeindruckt, wie weit du herum gekommen bist, wie viele Freunde du überall auf der Welt hast und wie engagiert und interessiert du bist. Alle Achtung!!! Die ganze Welt scheint für dich Heimat zu sein. Ich bewundere auch die Offenheit und Wärme, mit der den unterschiedlichsten Menschen begegnest. Es wirkt wie eine große Familie.

    Ganz liebe, sonnige Grüße schickt dir Elvira

  6. it's always fun to find Georgia bloggers. I can't wait to plunder through your beautiful blog..Thank you for stopping by.
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  7. Dear Mariette,
    You are so kind to show my work for your friend. You bless me so very much.
    I am very happy it worked out well and your extended family found the words and altered art perfect for them from you. I wish them many years of enjoyment.

    I know too well being in a place without family. We do adopt our friends as family and it becomes very special.

    Your kindness to share the family sign gift, and my giveaway, is the nicest gesture ever and I will always remember the time and effort you took to do this post. You are the most giving lady around and I am blessed by your on line friendship.

    Thank you my friend.
    Love to you always, Celestina Marie

  8. Having been now in Kuwait for 16 years, I can certainly attest to the fact that as family drifts away, my friends have become even closer. Two very good friends here are considered sisters of my heart. :) Such a lovely painted piece. I am always in awe of such creativity. I have a friend who paints like this and have a couple of her pieces. She has let machine embroidery take over her life now. I hope you are having a beautiful Spring day. Our temps are in the high 80's so a/c is a must again. Best wishes, Tammy

  9. Prachtig geschilderd, zeg, en wat n prachtig kado!
    Lieve groetjes,

  10. Liebe Mariette, wirklich wunder-wunderschön ist diese Malerei! Ich werde mir dann nachher auch noch den Blog der Künstlerin ansehen. Aber zuerst möchte ich dir danken für deine lieben Zeilen, die Geburtstagswünsche für meine Tochter und deine Besserungswünsche für mich. Wie du siehst, geht es mir schon wieder viel besser! :o) Und ich möchte auch noch zu deinem Japan-Posting gehen, zu dem du mich eingeladen hast!
    ALles Liebe, Traude

  11. It sure does look beautiful. Will visit Celestina later.

    Did Mrs. Sun come out in your lovely corner too, Mariette. Spring is off.... finally!
    I am off to read some of your past posts, it sounded interesting. You visited Japan, it's on my wish-list.

    Have a wonderful start into Spring, sweet friend xxxx

  12. Great giveaway and works, I love it!
    Best regards and happy first day of spring.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
