
Sunday, April 17, 2011

{FRIENDSHIP by Elizabeth Barrett Browning}

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (6 March 1806 – 29 June 1861) was one of the most prominent poets of the Victorian era.
On March 6, I was surprised to find a post about Elizabeth Barrett Browning at one of my favorite bloggers: 'Rosabella ~ la vie en rose'
Also Lorraine from Little House in the Hudson Valley wrote about Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
In our Rose Suite we do have a framed poem from Elizabeth Barrett Browning and that has a  very special meaning to me as I received it, framed and all, from a writer friend who adopted me as his 'favorite niece'. Hence he became my Uncl Bo Whaley. He gave me this poem with the original glued to the back of the frame just as he'd found it in his Dad's bible. The Dad was a Preacher. The scan of this framed poem is not the greatest, but better than any photo.
So I'd love to share it with you:


I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

I love you for putting your hand into my heaped-up heart and passing over all the frivolous and weak things that you cannot help seeing there, and drawing out into the light all the beautiful, radiant things that no one else has looked quite far enough to find.

I love you for closing your eyes to the discords in me, and for adding
 to the music in my soul by worshipful listening.

I love you because you are helping me to make of the lumber of my life, not a tavern but a temple, and from the words of my every day, not a reproach but a song.

I love you because you have done more than any creed could have done to make me happy.

And you have done it without a touch, without a word, without a sign.

You have done it just being yourself.

After all, perhaps that is what being a friend means.

…Elizabeth Barrett Browning  

Both, Pieter and I are blessed with great FRIENDS! 


  1. Mariette, This is such a lovely gift. What precious treasure you have in this poem and the friend from whom it was gifted.
    Thank you so much for visiting. I meant to get back to you and tell you that we have over 200 azaleas on one acre here on our island. I grew up in Atlanta and north Georgia. We were in the habit of calling the varieties that were hardy in that area rhododendron and the prolific varieties in the south azaleas. Not scientifically correct but common practice back in the day. Old habits die hard. Regardless, they are all so lovely and lift the spirits. Hugs, Ginger

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    es war schön bei dir, und ich lasse
    liebe Grüße hier.

    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht dir

  3. Mariette~

    I did get your comment about the Business Card Case and forgive me for not responding. I've had a crazy busy two weeks and I'm coming and going non-stop. Steve and I will be gone late in the week for a few days away for some R and R and then he will be starting school. So we are really pushing hard to get caught up so we can be away without stress.

    I also have the information ready for a Train Case for you. I haven't forgotten. I just have to squeeze them in when I can as they take 40 plus hours to do from start to finish.

    Please send me your email and I'll get back to you directly. OK?

    Thank you sweet friend~

    EBBrowning is my favorite poet of all time. I love her writings. She was one of my daddy's favorites, too!

    Bless you~Rebecca

  4. Beautiful and lovely gift dear Mariete!
    Kisses and hugs:)

  5. What a lovely gift ... you are truly blessed. This ia a fabulous poem , thank you for sharing it. xo HHL

  6. º°♥.¸Olá, amiga!.•✿♫°

    Amigos são preciosidades...
    Mesmo longe... eu também sou sua amiga.

    Boa semana!

    ♥♥ •.¸¸¸¸.•´º°

  7. Inderdaad een erg prachtig gedicht, Mariette! Wat bijzonder om zoiets te krijgen, heel waardevol, inderdaad!

  8. Hi Mariette,

    I studied English for a while, but the funny thing is I never read this poem! It is simply beautiful!!

    Have a lovely new week!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  9. Een mooi kadootje en goede vrienden zijn toch ook een mooie gave.
    Ik denk dat jullie net als wij weten wat vrienden zijn en betekenen als je naar het buitenland bent verhuisd...

    Groetjes Sandy

  10. liebe Mariette,
    was für ein wunderbarer Zufall das doch ist, dass ich gerade in meinem Blog über besagtes Gedicht von Elizabeth Barrett Browning geschrieben habe ... und in dem Moment, als ich den Post verfasste, wusste ich natürlich nicht, was es Dir bedeutet! um so mehr kann ich mich nun noch mehr über es freuen ... zusammen mit Dir :-) danke, dass Du uns nun hier bei Dir davon erzählst ... herzliche Gute-Nacht-Grüße schickt die Rosabella ♥

  11. Dearest Mariette,

    I've given you the Kreativ Blogger Award!


  12. I love this!! Can I borrow it for my own blog?


  13. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, EBB is how she signed her name, had a very beautiful spirit.
    I feel that I love her.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
