
Thursday, April 28, 2011

María Cecilia from Casa Dulce Hogar & Andie MacDowell

The more Pieter and I traveled around the world as consultants, the more we discovered that there were so many look-alikes of people we know well. Scary... Of course there are doubles for numerous famous people or for statesmen. But also in daily life we run into them.
María Cecilia from the beautiful blog: Casa Dulce Hogar could be a twin-sister of movie star Andie MacDowell.
On the stairs is María Cecilia to the right, bottom row, with the hot pink shawl (?) over her shoulder.

And here comes María Cecilia's double: movie star Andie MacDowell of 53.
This was in the French LINTERNAUTE

Both ladies even prefer the same colors... hot pink with taupe!
But I DOUBT if Andie can also grow such lovely roses in her garden???


  1. E' vero! Ognuno di noi persone normali o non abbiamo dei sosia in giro per il mondo. A me è capitato qualche anno fa a Creta (Grecia) che una signora mi salutasse e ha cominciato a parlarmi come se mi conoscesse da una vita. Ho cercato, sorridendo, di farle capire che non ero la persona che credeva e dopo un momento di imbarazzo, si è scusata dicendomi che ero identica ad una sua conoscente ed è finita in una bella risata con seguente stretta di mano. Baci

  2. Een echte look a like !!....en wat heeft ze een mooie tuin ook he???...fijne dag !! liefs

  3. jajaja!!! your so cute dear Mariette!!! I have really been told this sometimes, but gosh! wish I could look more like her!! When my kids watch a movie of her they keep saying that I look like her.
    I have also been told that I have some look like Sonia Braga, more when I was young...
    Well, I have to say that I feel shy about it but very complimented though... thank you my dear.

  4. What a witted post dear Mariette.
    I guess we all have a look-alike
    somewhere in the whole wide world but luckily each one of us bear a distinctive personality. BTW, thanks for introducing me Casa Dulce Hogar
    riveting weblog. Lots of love, ciao!

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Ik zie de gelijkenis ook :-)!

    Een gezellige avond & lieve groet, Madelief x

  6. Hello Mariette,
    you have an excellent eye.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. Hi Mariette, you are quite right, it looks as if they were sisters! It also has a pair of Sonia Braga, but they are details that probably go unnoticed for most and you had this great success! Rose Marie


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