
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

{Scilla campanulata - Spanish Blue-Bells in our Garden}

Just another beauty in our gaden, which is so pretty up till now. The Scilla campanulata (Endymion, Hyacinthoides) or commonly called Spanish Blue-Bells, Wood Hyacinths. Portugal and Spain is their origin. Those bulbs make excellent naturalizers and each year you have more and more participating in a show of white bells. Wish you could see them in reality during a Garden Tour from Book an Event with us. But other than that, a virtual tour is the next best thing I have to offer; without coffee/tea and cake however... Our Scilla campanulata are besides our gazebo.
This photo shows the dogwoods still in bloom on March 27 but the rain did knock them all down.


  1. Liebe Mariette,
    die spanischen "Blauen Glocken" sind eine wahre Augenweide. Gut fotografiert und dem Leser nahegebracht.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Your garden is beautiful, Mariette.
    I love all the white bells and the dogwoods, all the white is gorgeous.

    Have a happy week

  3. Oh dear friend I'm so enjoying the walk through your lovely garden ... I especially loved the photos of the Rhododendron 'High Tide' ... I can't wait for the weather the cooperate in our corner of the world, so we can get outside and start working on the gardens .... Your gazebo is the perfect place to enjoy a nice cup of tea and listen to the Angels ...xo HHL

  4. Oh Dear friend I'm so enjoying the walk through your beautiful gardens. I especially liked the Rhododendron 'High Tide'... I can't wait for the weather to change here, so that we can start working on our gardens.
    Your gazebo is the perfect place to enjoy a cup of tea and listen to the Angels ..xo HHL

  5. hi Mariette thankyou for yur visi I love all your flowers exqusite paticularyly the whites Just back from paris and it was wonderful its ahot here today fay xx

  6. A beautiful splendour of white flowers!

    loves Janny

  7. Dank je Mariette voor het meegenieten van jouw prachtige tuin en de mooie foto's van de campanulla en de kornoelje. Het is steeds weer genieten. Ik zou trouwens wel een kopje thee willen drinken in jouw prieel en...dan neem ik wel echte stroopwafels mee, hi,hi,hi.
    Lieve groetjes, Elly

  8. Oh Mariette, you are truly a flower queen! I have Scilla campanulata in blue, pink and white in my garden. Love them very much. I have never seen your with the small green stripe on it. Beautiful!
    Greetings, Johanna

  9. Beautiful! You must be enjoying all the beauty around you so much.


  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What a delightful photos of the white bells... so graceful!

    I've been observing the dogwoods blooming here in the Ozarks. They are so beautiful.


  11. Wishing you and your family a lovely time! Happy Easter


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