
Friday, April 15, 2011

{THANKS to 166 Followers from 113 Countries!}

First of all I want to let you know that our Oxalis NEVER do yield a 4-leaf 'lucky' clover...
BUT, I certainly feel very lucky for being healthy again and being happy! Officially I did start my blog in November of 2009, but soon I got that ill that I had to halt my blog till I was no longer paralyzed from a rare auto immune disease. But now things work well and I enjoy reading all your comments and blogs; if time permits. You all know by now that our garden and home do take up quite some time and attention.
On April 2nd of 2010, I did put Google Analytics on my blog. Just did capture this history of one year for you to view. Sincerely I want to THANK all of you, for reading my blog and for visiting our garden, home and events. Tomorrow I will list a GIVEAWAY as my token of appreciation! Stay tuned...
Just on one single day there were 35 countries visiting...
I feel honored for seeing that many countries. Far more than the countries I've traveled to or worked in as a consultant. You can see my countries visited at the top of my blog, under Followers. 
113 countries in one year with 15,849 visits, according to Google Analytics.
One special Thank You to dear Friend Johanna from Silber-und-Rosen-Shop (Silver+Roses) who was the VERY first to leave a comment on my blog and has been a regular ever since. She is the author of a great book that she did autograph for me with a special message... I've done my 3rd blog about her, you can read that here: {Splendid book about Silver Rose Flatware} 
That's a lot of page views: 59,025...
Looks like our lives are going uphill again. Me being paralyzed in January, last year and slowly getting on track and Pieter having his open heart surgery in September...



  1. Mariette,
    das ist eine imposante Übersicht.
    Dein Blog ist aber auch so schön. Da mussman ganz einfach lesen und kommentieren.
    Mach weiter so. Bald wirst du Deine 200 ständign Leser haben.
    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. Thank you Mariette! You are marvellous.
    Federica (Italy)

  3. Cara Mariette,complimenti per i tuoi 166 followers!Io mi sento molto onorata di farne parte!Sei una cara persona,e ricordo con emozione,quando abbiamo messo insieme il traduttore al mio blog!Ti meriti ancora tanti altri followers perchè hai tanto da offrire,un bacione,Rosetta

  4. Dear Mariette your blog is so fascinating and full of beautiful things that it is impossible not to follow!
    And you're so dear and gentle ... you deserve this!
    I'm glad you're okay, I embrace you strong

  5. It's so much fun to see where all the blog people come from ~ people you would never have met otherwise.

    Our health ~ we truly have nothing without it. Glad you are getting better!!

    xo Catherine

  6. Dear Mariette, much blessings to your and Pieter and may your lives keep going uphill forever!!!
    hugs my dear

  7. Nou, geen dank Mariette! Jij geeft ook altijd bij iedereen(voor zover ik ze ken dan)een comment, en dat is hardstikke leuk, jij ook bedankt!
    Fijn weekend!

  8. How very cool that is Mariette! That's a lot of countries!!! I think I get mainly the U.S. and some Canada but that's it.

    Have a lovely weekend:)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
