
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

{Walk Our Wood Trail With Me + Helen Curtis Azalea}

You might wonder how our Garden Tours from Book an Event with us, are being done... Just follow me and you will see. It is a wooden trail that goes through our back garden, also across the creek and several wooden trail parts in the wood garden as well. Pieter put a lot of work in laying those. Each year they get treated with wood preservatives. Let's start from the gazebo to the left and we'll be back for coffee/tea + cake later...

  • The trail weaves around trees. Notice the many bird houses we have throughout our property?

  • There is the the Azalea Helen Curtis coming in sight...

  • It is 17:00 o'clock and the sunlight is perfect for catching this beauty. Helen Curtis is a pure white Rhododendron (common name Azalea) with double flowers and a hint of chartreuse.

  • Birdhouse for a wren... with Carolina jasmine vine.

  • The greenhouse is in sight...

  • Our compost bin for all vegetable and fruit peels...

  • There is the pond...

  • All pot plants have just come out of the greenhouse and need to get back on their spots. Pieter can no longer do that himself, since his open heart surgery so we wait for our Mexican helper. It is too much to get them up hill alone.

  • We walked past the pond and use one of the three bridges across the creek, into the wood garden.

  • The trail goes on and there are several wooden parts as well.
  • Okay, back to the gazebo for coffee/tea + cake!
Hope you enjoyed it and got a better idea now...

Related link:
{205 Winfield Road Then and Now} | When it was still swampy before Pieter laid this wood trail and build the bridges across the creek...


  1. hello,

    wat a wunderful natur.

    I love it.

    greatings send you Conny

  2. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat heb jij toch een prachtige tuin heb je toch. Het is zo divers! Toch wel heel bijzonder om zelfs een stukje eigen 'bos' te hebben. Ik zie dat je rhodondenrons al in bloei staan. Bij mij in de tuin zijn ze nog niet zover.

    Je garden tour moet vast en zeker een succes zijn geweest!

    Een hele gezellige woensdag & lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  3. Hi Mariette!

    Beautiful photos!

    Beautiful trail and admire the white rhododendron ...

    I love the white flowers.

    For us today the weather is bad.

    It is raining with snow and high winds.

    Perhaps the sun will soon be back.

    Comfortable spring day wishes


  4. Wow Mariette, what an amazing thing to have!!! I don't think I'd ever come inside! It's absolutely gorgeous, your own little trail!

  5. So much pretty nature here Mariette! I'm glad you found me and are following me ~ and now I am following you! I look forward to more of your pretty photos!

    Cheers from Saskatchewan Canada! :)
    xo Catherine

  6. Beautiful garden, nature...!

  7. Dear Mariette, you have a very enchanted garden, a magic place!!! It looks pretty much like the gardens in the south of chile where there´s always green everywhere, plus beautiful flowers as you have!!!
    such an outstanding garden you and Pieter have created!!!
    hugs my dear

  8. Wauw, dat is geen tuin meer, maar een landgoed!!!
    Je spierwitte rhododendron is prachtig, en leuk dat je zo'n pad van vlonders gemaakt hebt.

  9. So beautiful! Thanks for this fantastic tour. I am guessing you live in the northern part of the state. We don't have rhododendron in our parts. That is a beautiful shrub. The pics were great. I hope your husband is recovering well.
    Have a great week. Ginger

  10. Hello Mariette,
    all the hidden and silent paths in your garden are so wonderful, love the Azalea.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you for such a lovely tour!! With your description and beautiful pictures it seems as if I was there :)
    Azaleas are so pretty, even their name is so sweet, don´t you think? :)
    How great you have so many birhouses!!!


    P.S.I´m so happy my post reminded you your lovely time in Venice and Italy :)

  12. In can finally have a peep again at your lovely garden as I have been offline due to browser problems AND flue!
    What a gorgeous, white. just breathtaking .Thank you again for the lovely garden tour and have a wonderful weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
