
Thursday, May 26, 2011

{Our Buddleja Davidii- Butterfly Bush}

  • In our wood garden we do have a variety of Buddleja davidii, or Butterfly bush. 
  • Sometimes also called summer lilac. Buddleja davidii, the butterfly bush, is native to northwestern China and Japan.
  • As our garden is providing food and shelter for wildlife, these different types of butterfly bushes are a haven for butterflies and hummingbirds. During a Garden Tour you would get to see lots of butterflies.
  • Just showing you this one photo with a Gulf Fritilary - Agraulis vanillae (Linnaeus, 1758) butterfly visiting.

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  1. Amazing shot dear Mariette!
    Have a nice day:)

  2. Liebe Mariette dieses Bild ist großartig.Wunderschön ich habe in meinen Garten viele von diesen Sträuchern wegen der Schmetterlinge.Liebe Grüße und eine gute Zeit für dich und deinen Mann Edith.

  3. goede morgen!
    Wat een prachtige vlinder en ook heel mooi op de gevoelige lens gevangen!!!!
    lieve groet Elly

  4. I love these Mariette, we have them right along our front fence in dark purple and mauve.


  5. good morning mariette!!!!!!!!!! it's a wonderful photo...congratulations a kiss from lory

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ein wunderschönes Foto.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet Dir

  7. What a beautiful butterfly and that's a wonderful photo you got of it!

    When my boys were little they found one outside that they thought was dying, they brought him in and made him a home in a shoebox with leaves and grass.

    He eventually started flying around so they would walk around with him on their was so funny! We realized he wasn't dying so we let him go but I did get tons of pics, I'll have to post them one day!

  8. Wundervoll! Schmetterling wie Flieder!
    Bei uns gibts auch 2 oder 3 Schmetterlingsflieder inzwischen, sie blühen aber noch nicht.

    Liebe Grüße nochmals

  9. I'm enjoying my afternoon cup of tea indoors [its raining here agian:( ] ... yor beatiful photo is certainly bringing a smile to this gloomy rainy day!! Yo captre Ms.Butterfly wonderflly... xo HHL

  10. Hello mariette,
    this photo is so precious. We have many Buddeleja's here because this shrub doesn't need very good soil. So it grows on many places and alll the butterflys love that. I planted a little shrub in my garden. I also love the smell of the Buddelejas. isn't it like "Brausepulver" (is it effervescent powder)? I don't know th English word for it but children love to lick this powder and enjoy the tingle on the tongue.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Liebe Mariette, in unserem garten sitzt auch ein Schmetterlingsflieder, die Blüte lässt noch auf sich warten. Er ist im Sommer willkommener Landeplatz für Schmetterlinge und sehr begehrt!
    Ganz liebe Grüße und ein entspanntes Wochenende wünscht Dir

  12. Oh, How wonderful!!!

    Whar an amazing shot this is ♫♫♫
    Lovely butterfly and this photo gave me a bit comfortable time as I was extreamly busy these couple of days.....
    Hope you will have a nice weekend,
    Love orchid,

  13. Wauw! Wat een mooie foto. Gewoon puur natuur, perfect!

    Ik wens je een fijn weekend,

  14. Lovely photo - I enjoy watching the butterflies. We have several bushes that attract the butterflies and's such a joy for me to watch all the different pollinators in action, even though I don't know all of their names...

  15. Das ist ein wunderschoenes photo von einem Schmetterling auf Deinem Strauch.

    Wir haben verschiedene Straeucher welche Schmetterlinge und andere "pollinators" locken und da schaue ich gerne mit Begeisterung hin und knipse ab und zu mal ein Bild davon.

    Viele Gruesse,
    Doris und mein schnarchender Gizzy LOL


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