
Sunday, May 15, 2011

{Our Fiberglass Window Boxes & Double Cascade Pink Petunias}

In February 1996 we got our Fiberglass Window Boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati (click it) in Cincinatti, OH. We got the 8 Ft length for our retainer wall alongside the driveway. The kitchen bay window had 5 Ft and 3 Ft boxes. Our bay window area and veranda we completed in 1997. On April 15 of last year I did a post about our Fiberglass Window Boxes, ←just click on the hyperlink to go there. As we started off with some white petunias and white pansies, we went into verbenas. Till we lost those, due to drought while we were traveling... On the retainer wall, alongside the driveway we still have those verbenas. But last year we both fell in love with the Double Cascade Pink Petunias from Walmart! Look at my Halloween blog ←(click it) where they still were blooming proudly. Guess what? Pieter did take some cuttings and we had them all winter in our green house and TA-DA...
Home grown Double Cascade Pink Petunias and they do so well in our heat during summer! 
This is in 1997 when our veranda windows got their 7 Ft Fiberglass White Window Boxes. 
The quality of those boxes is excellent; we have them now for 14 and 15 years. They are not cheap, but per season they are, over time! 
These are the 3 largest 8 Ft long Fiberglass Window Boxes on the driveway and till today we still have pink verbenas in them. If we loose some through drought, the greenhouse provides a great environment for growing new ones from cuttings. After all, we both are the son and daughter of a market gardener...
 These are the 7 Ft, 5 Ft and 3 Ft length White Fiberglass Window Boxes.
White petunias on the kitchen bay window (one of three windows).
The veranda with a 7 Ft long White Fiberglass Window Box.
The kitchen bay window with its 5 Ft and 3 Ft White Fiberglass Window Boxes.
These are the double cascade pink petunias from last year from which we got the cuttings.
Last year...
Healthy in October and good for yielding cuttings!
This was on May 10, at 9:30 AM in the morning and what do you think of our own crop?
The bright sunlight makes the photo kind of harsh...
Double Cascade Pink Petunia in all its glory!
Market Gardener's blood...


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    von unserem Besuch bei dir,
    lassen wir dieses Zeichen hier.

    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. Double Cascade Pink Petunia... what a beauties!! The color, all these flower leaves... what a joy justa 'simple' plant can bring!
    Have a lovely Sunday Mariëtte!
    Bisous from Versailles,

  3. Oooohhh wat een sprookje zo....
    Het lijkt wel een laag Pipi langkous huis, geweldig wat woon je moooooiii, zo'n lekkere romantische en snoeperige uitstraling..
    En wat een prachtige dubbele petunia's, die ben ik hier nog niet zoveel tegen gekomen...

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    herrlich diese Blumenpracht.
    Euer Haus gleicht einem verwunschenen Paradies.
    Ich wünsche dir einen herrlichen Sonntag.
    Liebe Grüße

  5. my dear,

    I LOVE your house! It`s so beautiful!!

    Have a nice and cosy sunday!

  6. mwoaaaahh Mariette, ik geloof mn ogen bijna niet!!! Wat een schitterende foto's!!! The American dream pur sang!! Prachtige bloemen bij een prachtige veranda, o hele LOOKS is geweldig......als ik in de buurt ben ;)))))

    Liefs uit Limburg!!


  7. WAUW!!!!KIJK dit vind ik in een woord prachtig!!!de bloembakken passen zo.....mooi bij jullie huis en krijgt er zo een vriendelijke uitstraling door.Zoiets zou voor mij ook wel wat kunnen zijn, mooie grote formaat!!!!En!!!!PRACHTIGE BLOEMEN EN EEN SUPER mooie AMBIANCE.
    Een fijne zondag,Elly.

  8. Hi Mariette, how are you. that precious petunias! are a beautiful adornment those boxes in front of your windows! from far and near can enjoy the full extent of the watch. Flowers make every house a home. Greetings, Rose Marie

  9. Hallo Mariette,
    Euer Haus sieht so charmant aus mit den Giebelverzierungen und der schönen Verandatür. Und die Blumenkästen passen phantastisch dazu. Und ich bin begeistert über deine gefüllte Petunie, sogar da hast du ausgefallene Sorten. Du hat eben einen gute Stil für schöne Sachen.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  10. Prachtig hoor die ramen van jullie, vooral met die versierinkjes eraan vind ik geweldig!
    Prachtige bloemen ook!
    Fijne dag!

  11. Those cascading petunias are so very pretty! And my how they grow! What a lovely sight to greet you every day.

    Thanks for the tip about posts. I didn't lose any posts, only about 7comments that I had read on Thursday evening but by Friday they were gone when blogger did whatever they did to correct the problem that started Wednesday. Oh well!

    It is bedtime and I haven't had time to crochet. boo! Goodnite. Tammy

  12. Amiga,

    Que flores maravilhosas. Sua casa é linda toda cercada de flores... um encanto.

    Boa semana!

    °º✿ Brasil
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  13. Oh, how proudly they are blooming and I must say your neighbors are lucky to be able to enjoy your garden taking a walk or something♡

    I need to change my overgrown pansy in my tiny front yard to something else, help me(^^;)

    Hugs, xoxo Orchid

  14. Your house is simply picture perfect Mariette! So lovely! And your garden ~ so beautiful!

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  15. Mariette, Those are beautiful. Just to think they came from Walmart? I am going to try to find some.
    I finally have an insight into you extensive knowledge of botanicals. I wondered how someone who traveled the world, consulting, aquired your wonderful way with plants and flowers and then decided to settle in D. I am so impressed beyond words.
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    Many hugs coming your way. Ginger :)

  16. Oh my goodness, is that your house Mariette? It is GORGEOUS!!! You're so lucky!

    Thank you SO much for finding that link for me! That wasn't the original one I'd seen but it's actually even more helpful because it has step by step directions. Thank you!!!!!!!!

  17. Dear Mariette,
    Your double cascade pink petunias are gorgeous, and I love your house, it's so beautiful.
    Have a blessed week!
    Hugs, Wendy

  18. Liebe Mariette, zauberhafte Bilder von eurem Haus im Blütenschmuck. Man sieht du hast ein feines Gespür für stilvolles Dekorieren...
    Es ist sicher immer eine Freude nach Hause zu kommen und von so einer Blütenpracht empfangen zu werden.
    Einen guten Start in die Woche wünsche ich dir und deiner Familie..
    GGLG Astrid

  19. I so love your house dear Mariette!!!

  20. Wat een genot, je bent een echt tuin -mens !! Een vrouw naar mijn hart!!


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