
Saturday, May 28, 2011

{Our Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' (Japanese Spirea)}

  • On May 21 our Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' (Japanese Spirea) was showing its pink blooms and I took pictures of it. 
  • The serrated leaves are a striking yellow-green color that makes it already a gorgeous shrub in itself.
  • Our two shrubs are blooming each a little bit at a different stage, probably it makes a difference in which spot they are planted. 
  • Hope you enjoy their blooms and even their flower heads in an already advanced stage. Let's start the Garden Tour.
  • The Spiraea japonica is very attractive to butterflies.


  1. Geniet van een heerlijk weekend......liefs van

  2. Dear Mariette,

    I love your pretty Japonica and isn't it lovely to have plants that the butterflies and birds can benefit by with the sweet nectar.
    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend


  3. Anche quest'altra pianta merita i complimenti!Buon fine settimana,Rosetta

  4. Oh Marietta wasnt it tooooooo frustrating the blog saga it nearly drove me nuts !! Ill read you instructions LOVE your white Poinsietta tree I saw them in africa in red and smiled as i thought of all the little ones we have at christmas ! yes dear Vincent and all his houses in Montmatre intrigue me alwaysand Italian Modigliani and his "LIFE" in Montparnasse aaahhhh what complicate and sad lifes they had . see you at the party fay xxxxx

  5. Oh, this lovely pink flower might be originally from Japan.
    Lovely contrast with the green leaves♬♬♬
    Now, rainy season has arrived here. I hope the weather you have is easy on you and your splendid flowers and trees.

    Love, xoxo Orchid

  6. Amazing flowers and colors!
    Have a nice weekend.

  7. Hola Marietta, que preciosa nueva especie de planta, la spiraea japonica luce tal como la vemos cuando la imitan , es muy linda , imagino cuando las mariposas y los demas insectos o aves la visitan para extraerles su nectar , es hermosa. ESte año he aprendido mucho de plantas con tus hermosas entradas de cada variedad diferente . Saludos , Rose Marie

  8. I love the light in your photos this morning Mariette! So warm and magical ~ love the green!

    Hope you are having a beautiful weekend my friend!
    xo Catherine

  9. Hi Mariette,

    Thank you for stopping by and getting my Memorial Day button and displaying it on your beautiful blog.

    Have a wonderful weekend.



  10. Mooie struik hoor!
    Wens je n fijn weekend!

  11. Bonjour Mariette,
    Lovely flowers, and all the photos for Memorial Day - puts so many things into perspective dosen't it? I may be living in Paris, but have not forgotten all my compatriots sacrifices.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,

  12. Hello Mariette,
    What a beautiful shrub with such delicate blooms!
    As for yesterday, today and tomorrow, I'll be happy to send you some cuttings. Just e-mail me instructions (How long should they be? Should I cut them now or wait until the blooms are gone? etc) and your address.
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  13. MOOIE roze kleur :) Fijn weekend meis. Nog maar een paar daagjes en dan vlieg ik de wereld over. Heb er zo'n zin in!!!

    Groetjes van Marian (en dank je wel voor al je lieve commentaar op mn bloggie...mag wel eens gezegd worden ♥)


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