
Friday, May 20, 2011

{Philadelphus 'Mont Blanc' - mock orange}

  • In April we had so many shrubs blooming in our garden, that it was impossible to keep up with posting about them. So here I will show you our Philadelphus 'Mont Blanc' - mock orange. There are numerous varieties of Philadelphus, just have a look at this Dutch nursery for some double species as well. The first hyperlink reads that it is fully hardy till a minimum of 29°C but of course that should read 29°F.

  • Are they not beautiful? That was at the end of April. Perfect Garden Tour time!
  • This is the shrub itself.


  1. I am still waiting for mine to flower,( which I inherited from the previous gardener, and which is pretty big ) I take it as you are in a much warmer climate, the shrubs come out much sooner? Just love this- and love the pictures !!Have a good weekend!!

    ps- I just saw a tip you could get more comments from your readers , if you turn your word verification off- Blogger puts this on automatically, you need to go into " settings" in your blog and you can then turn it off- and I just noticed you do have the word verification on, not sure if you knew ??? Just a thought!!

  2. Dearest Mariette,

    Please send me some of your beautiful flowers. Mine are pale in comparison. Or perhaps it's just the fact that the weeds are running rampant in my garden. Something I hope to rectify this weekend. :)

    Happy Friday!
    xo Catherine

  3. Very cool and attractive india it's time of very hot days...but your flower's photos are giving coolness...
    best wishes.

  4. Mariette,
    wundervolle Bilder von einer herrlichen Pflanze.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht


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