
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

{Phlox Subulata - Creeping Phlox}

Our Phlox Subulata makes a great ground cover at spring time each year. It blooms rather early and lasts a very long time. Another good thing is that it spreads, but is not invasive. We do have some Candy Stripe, which is a pink and white for underneath the almond tree to match the blossom's color. Further a white variety that is called White Delight and a hot pink that is named Moorheim Beauty. Join me on a Garden Tour.
Phlox Subulata 'Moorheim Beauty'
Pieter did line the deep end of the pond with poles and we let Phlox Subulata grow over it.
Here I have not yet pulled the weeds out... you have to 'hang-over'...
When Spooky walked on his leash, he always pulled me towards those poles where he did his balancing act. Poor little guy died of heart worm disease... Too young at age 4 and a few months.
He asked his Mami to give him more slack...
Here we planted patches of Phlox Subulata up on the hill alongside the creek, in our wood garden.
Home Depot was selling them in gallon pots and when Mom & Dad were visiting one time, we bought several with them.
With some patience it will become a solid carpet of pretty blooms that does attract lots of bees.
Next to a petrified tree trunk... happily basking in the sun light.
This is alongside the driveway where we also grow them between the cross tires.
This is the Phlox Subulata White Delight and no, to the right that is no snake... it's the cord from the camera!
I don't have that many snakes to show; but stay tuned as I did catch one big one on camera...
Not only are they prolific bloomers but they are evergreen too.
Phlox Subulata is a HAPPY plant and very carefree!


  1. Hallo Mariette,
    Phlox ist eine tolle Pflanzengruppe un gerade der Polsterphlox ist neben Aubritia hier einer der beliebtesten Frühlingsblüher in den Steingärten.
    Armer Spooky! Er sieht so süß aus auf dem Foto. Aber 4 Jahre im Glück zu leben, das ist mehr als manche Katze in ihrem ganzen Leben schafft.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  2. Prachtig !! zo mooi...fijne dag !! liefs

  3. Beautiful flowers and garden, beautiful!
    Kisses and have a nice day:)

  4. oh mariette! das ist wirklich ein zaubergarten! das zweite bild ist soooo schön :-)

    lieben gruß!

  5. Oh, your garden looks like a park!!! How huge it is !(^^)!
    Phlox Subulata look very stunning with both of your efforts.
    Yey, pink carpets.

    And your lovely memory with spooky is really precious, isn't it☆

    Always enjoyable to see pictures of your marvelous garden.

    Hugs, xoxo orchid

  6. So lovely Mariette!

    Pink is always such a divine color for spring isn't it? That looks like such a peaceful place to go for a walk by. Wonderful!

    xo Catherine

  7. Good morning my friend .. I'm making way through my blog visit catch ups... I have missed your wonderful garden! I love what Pieter did with the poles along the pond ... This is a fabulous idea that has inspired me for some areas along our stream... Mr. G. I have another project for you...
    I'm certain Spooky is still playing balance along those posts ... his spirit will continue on!! Wishing you a fabulous week.. it's been non stop raining here.. good for the gardens...xo HHL

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    gut, dass du so perfekt in Deutsch bist.
    Ganz herzlich danke ich für deinen
    lieben Kommentar bei mir.
    Ich werde dir in Zukunft hier
    antworten. Mit Interesse habe
    ich alles gelesen und zur Notiz genommen. Das erweitert den Horizont.

    Und schön ist es hier bei dir -
    wie immer -

    Herzliche Grüße

  9. Hi Mariette,
    When I saw" Phlox" - I thought straight away " but it isn't high summer yet !!"- but these are obviously very early phloxes- a really nice idea to let it cascade down to the water.
    What a sad story about your lovely cat- so sorry for your loss, 4 years is indeed very young.

  10. These are sweet flowers Mariette, you have a many variety of flowers in your garden.
    I'm back in France, and the people liked it very much your husband was born in Groessen, where I was.

    Regards Janny

  11. Hello Mariette,
    You have such a beautiful garden full of so many interesting and pretty plants and flowers. Your creeping phlox is very pretty.
    Thank you for helping me to identify my tree and for all the info you gave me about it. Knowing that it is poisonous is especially important.
    I would gladly give you some cutting if we didn't live so far away from each other.
    Have a nice day!

  12. I love your garden posts. Always beautiful.

  13. Your grounds are so beautiful. Love the phlox. That was a lot of work putting to pots around the pond. The phlox looks beautiful around the pond.
    When you said snake and I glimpsed the cord I gasped even though I had read about the cord. Funny how ingrained that fear seems.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden. Everyone else is abed. I think I will join them. Sending best wishes up the interstate. Ginger

  14. Hello Marietta, you are surrounded by such beauty! Is an inspiration in verad, those flowers in that pink remind me of my childhood, I always saw them in the garden, a hug! Rose M

  15. Mariette pięknie jest u Ciebie.Kwiaty są śliczne i pięknie kwitną.Serdecznie pozdrawiam.


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