
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

{Satsuki Azaleas Wakaebisu in Front of Our Home}

It was in 1994, that we had a fairytale spring and all of our Satsuke Azaleas 'Wakaebisu' where blooming so pretty. One could say that was picture perfect! The 'Wakaebisu' is a Rhododendron indicum. The name translates to fifth month and that is exactly true, as it is a late blooming Azalea variety. This species can be found on the southernmost four islands of the Japanese island chain. Let me first show you the picture-perfect Wakaebisu in full bloom in May of 1994 and I will end with the sad thing that I found yesterday... dried up buds because of the harsh weather. Friday they looked like I could make a beautiful photo of them but nope. Seems to be hard in our climate to keep them. In the front we've replaced them once and now there are only a few of them left, in our wood garden... Join me for a Garden Tour!
Yes, this is a typical blue sky for the time of the year...
Our Vintage Woodwork looks so pretty here in the front porch and gable!
These Satsuki Azaleas Wakaebisu complimented the roof color of our home so well!
Showing here also the Vintage Woodworks gable above our kitchen bay window...
Vintage Woodworks balusters on the balcony and again gable ornament.
Vintage Woodworks front porch balusters clearly visible.
Better view of the balusters on balcony.
Yesterday's photo from the Wakaebisu with severe drought damage...
Its buds died from drought even before opening up...

"In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends." -Kazuko Okakura (1862-1913)


  1. They are lovely flowers. Your home is in a beautiful setting.


  2. I love your house!!! It's my dream home...
    (I love azaleas also...)

  3. Wat hebben jullie toch een schitterend huis en die azalea's zo'n mooie kleur. Jammer dat ze nu zo te lijden hebben van de droogte. Ik ben bang dat het hier niet veel beter is. Vannacht hebben we een heeeeeel klein buitje gehad, maar dat stelde niet zoveel voor en als we de weersverwachtingen mogen geloven, blijft het ook nog een hele tijd zo.

    Fijne woensdag!

  4. Oh, how lovely your Satuki Azaleas used to be!

    They sure proudly matched up with your roof's colour. So sad the weather was or is really dry this year for them.
    You really have Wonderful house and garden☆
    Made me feel want to visit you someday♡♡♡

  5. Adoro queste case e le aiuole dei fiori,baci,Rosetta

  6. Wat staat julie huis daar prachtig op de foto,wat een plaatje!!!
    het is hier ook veel te droog en te warm voor de tijd van het jaar,een ware groeiexplosie... en planten die normaal in juni bloeien die staan nu al in volle bloei.
    Prachtig zijn de Azalea's, één van mijn favorieten.
    Lieve groet van Elly.

  7. Hola Mariette, que preciosa vista de tu hermoso hogar! me encanta! luce encantador y tus flores son siempre mi inspiracion , abrazos , Rose Marie

  8. Your home is beautiful and lovely azaleas ...a kiss from lory

  9. Mariette you have a nice house and beautiful flowers in your garden. I read your message to late, but still congratulations with your husband!!

    Kind regards from Janny

  10. Hallo Mariette,

    so geht es uns auch hier. Es ist so trocken, dass die Pflanzen am Boden liegen. Ich werde heute mal gießen.
    Hoffentlich gibt es bald mal ein bißchen Regen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  11. Hi Mariette,
    Oh no...poor sweet flowers. I love azaleas, but never seem to have much luck with them..I know they like shade and we have a lot of heat.
    Your home is so pretty and love your green shutters. I just adore shutters on a home.
    Have a sweet day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  12. Quite an American mansion with European surrounding garden full of beautiful hedges & flowers: a dream house (no wonder you have lots of wildlife aficionados).
    Un abbraccio intercontinentale!

  13. Congratulations, Mariette, there is nothing like the joy of seeing a mass planting in bloom!

    Glad you like Pickering, too.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.


    Sandy Foster
    My Shabby Streamside Studio


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