
Friday, June 17, 2011

{Tradescantia or Spiderwort}

In our garden you will find these bright blue Tradescantia or Spiderwort plants. Tradescantia is a North American native. They even can become invasive and show up in areas where you did not intend to have them. Here are some photos that Pieter took a couple of weeks ago from its beautiful blossoms. Enjoy! Below is also a reminder for the three Giveaways by dear blogger friends.
We did collect some local rocks from our property and made a kind of rock garden with them. That's also where this Tradescantia lives. Photos are taken around 9:30 AM.
This photo is from last year and taken one month earlier. Color does vary, depending on the spot where they grow.

International Giveaway from Johanna @ Silber+Rosen ends June 20...

Don't forget the Giveaway from Rebecca @ A Gathering Place ends June 25

and Giveaway from Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio ends June 30


  1. Beautiful. I wish the spiderwort would come invade this land. :) Two years ago on a trip to North Carolina, my uncle actually collected huge rocks from the field next to my aunt's house and carried them in the trunk of his car all the way back to Ohio so he could make a rock garden. Ha! We all thought he was crazy. Have a terrific Thursday. Tammy

  2. Hello, dear Mariette,
    this Tradescantia is, as all your plants, extraordinary. This is a special bue, I love so much. Tradescantia loves also, to live near the pond and I think, it looks nice with water, too. Thank you for mentioning my giveaway.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Oh, beautiful color they have!!!
    I checked with the PC dictionary. And it said "Commelinaceae"or "Asiatic dayflower". Your link explains the flower only last a day. Must be really rare chance to be able to see the flowers.

    Loved the awesome color♡♡♡

  4. Che bel colore!Come deve essere bello,stare seduti nel tuo giardino acontemplare tutti questi bei fiori...e sai che profumo!!!!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Beautiful photos!
    Have a nice day.

  6. mariette, che foto meravigliose...sei bravissima!!!!!!!!!!!!! un abbraccio grande lory

  7. Oh my dear friend these are most lovely .. I've trying to carch up with my blog visits and reading... thak you for your sweet comments and visits to both of my little corners of BlogLand.

    Looking through your past few posts, it came to me how wonderful it a coffee table book of your beautiful garden photos would be. Your photos really are breath taking!!! wishing you a fabulous day! xo HHL

  8. Hello Mariette,
    Really very nice and sweet flowers....very attractive photograph..thanks for shairing this.
    Best wishes.

  9. Prachtig hoor die bloemen, en wat n kleurtje...helemaal geweldig!

  10. il colore di questi fiori è assolutamente straordinario. un bacio dall'italia ady

  11. Good morning Mariette,

    I remember that back in Ukraine it was very popular as an indoor plant, but if I remember correct the blooms were white. I've never seen the one with blue flowers until now. It's very beautiful.

    I planed to send you cuttings this weekend, but my toddler and I are very sick right now. Hopefully, I will recover by Saturday, so I can make that trip to the post office.

    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Wow, those are beautiful flowers! I love the yellow inside the lovely soft pretty!

  13. Hallo Mariette,

    Wat een prachtige blauwe kleur, een van mijn lievelingskleuren!

    Fijne avond,

    Liefs Janny.

  14. Dear Mariette,
    beautiful pichtures.
    This blue ist very, very special.
    Many Greetings

  15. ich kenne die blume gar nicht, schön ist sie aber!!
    ich wünsche euch ein tolles wochenende!

  16. My favorite posts of from your blog are from your garden and this is an example.

  17. Extra pretty here today Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  18. Hi Mariette, it is truly extensive your collection of plants! This new plant or species is unknown to me, is beautiful! especially for their color and wick in the center or the flower! beautiful! greetings, Rose Marie


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