
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

{My Atelvia with its side effects and the 9th Blog Award}

  • This time I will not post much as it is my weekly 'Atelvia' day and the side effects take much away of my productivity. 
  • Heart burn and a down feeling. Often even the day after... But there will be five good days left of each week! 
  • I need to take this to prevent bone loss, as the Prednisone is causing that... 
  • One way medication is great and the other way it causes side effects. 
  • Does anyone out there have experience with Atelvia or with Actonel? (I took the Actonel once-a-month, prior to this).
  • Just an update: after this post, I started taking it with a glass of milk. You have to take the Atelvia also AFTER breakfast; to me that is in itself a huge improvement instead of on an empty stomach with the Actonel. 
  • Guess I have somehow adjusted to it better now, still look forward to the day I'm free of this medicine!
Don't want to complain but sorry if I did not visit your blog or left a comment.
So let's go on with the 9th Blog Award that I received from Rose Marie from El Arte de Rosiña. Even though I am not up to passing it on to someone, not feeling like it and there are so many things that need to be taken care of. So I leave this Pink Lady for anyone who wants to take her home...

  • Thanks a lot Rose Marie!
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  1. Ik hoop dat het je snel weer beter gaat Mariette! Heb zelf (gelukkig) geen ervaring met zulke medicatie, maar wens je veel positieve reakties!

  2. Hi Mariette, So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I too, have sporadic lately. I have not taken the medicine that you mentioned. I do know how difficult finding the right combination of meds can be. I seem to become allergic to each of meds after some time.
    Please take care. I pray you will be fine for a few days. Don't get discouraged. Hugs, Ginger

  3. Oh, Mariette!!!
    I hope you are not experiencing bad condition.
    I found that we have same physical problem. I am really petit because hormone produced by the pituitary gland is innately really low. So, my estrogen level is low as well. I was suggested to take pill called "Onealfa", haha I'm still in my mid-fifty.

    I wondered what the Atelvia Day was, I was SO surprised to know this is the medication for osteoporosis.
    There might be different tablet according to the stage.....
    I constantly have to use step ladder, so scary thinking I may trip over someday.

    PLEASE, take good care of yourself my dearest friend!!!

    Blessing to you, Orchid.

    ps> I'll look into your generous mail deeply later. LOVE♡♡♡

  4. Oh sweet Mariette, I am so sorry as well to hear you are not feeling well! I have not even had any tests yet to see if I even need to start taking medication for this, at my age! I guess I just don't like taking any medicine! Oh thank you for visiting me and leaving a kind comment. I really appreciate it so much. I hope you are having a wonderful summer; I know I am having a lovely time just staying home and enjoying every moment before school starts again!


  5. dolce mariette, complimenti per questo premio....un abbraccio lory

  6. Dearest Mariette, I am so sorry you are feeling off-colour with your medication.I hope Pieter will give you extra care and hugs today and loads of cups of tea. I am so sorry I am far away but send you loads of love and very careful hugs just in case it might hurt too much to have a really nice and big and heartfelt hug.
    Heel veel liefs en sterkte gewenst

  7. Hoop dat je je snel weer beter voelt. Ik heb er ook geen ervaring mee maar lijkt me lastig en naar.

    Liefs en een knuf van Marian

  8. Lieve Mariette, kijk even op mijn blog .XXXXX

  9. Mi querida y dulce amiga Mariette:
    Siento mucho saber que no te has sentido bien estos dias, espero que te recuperes pronto, quiero que sepas que estas en mis oraciones.

    Que Dios te bendiga,

    Tu amiga


  10. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well, Mariette. Will keep you in my prayers.

    Thank you for passing along the pretty pink award. De una chica bloguera a otra, me encanta!


  11. Oh my dear sweet friend, I know too well the side affects that meds can have and how draining they can be on one's body. I have not had experience with the ones you are taking. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Please take care of yourself, your readers and friends will be here, when your energy makes it way back.

    When we visited my sister and brother-in-law at their Florida home ... our little Dolce was quite intrigued by these little creatures ... I'm glad that we didn't get too close to them...

    sending you warm hugs and blessings XO HHL

    P.s. thank you for posting my blog buttons..xo

  12. I'm sorry you're not feeling well Mariette! Luckily, I don't need to be on any meds right now but I do know they can have some horrible side effects:( Feel better!

    Hugs xoxoxo

  13. Sterkte Mariette, hoop dat je je snel weer beter voelt!

    Liefs Janny

  14. I had a very premature menopause and I have also a very small bone structure...needless to say, that osteoporosis could be my faith if I did not take good care of myself as I do.
    I eat lots of fish( salmon and sardines),Vit D3,omega3-6-9 exercise with weights,do Yoga,take magnesium and calcium and do eat lots of spinach...I try to have my meals as raw as I can,except for the fish( of course) dairy products,no gluten,no sugars....It is hard,but it works for me so far.And I do not take any medication at all...Iam over 50 and never had any bone problem up to now!... a good and health Diet is ideal to heal and nourish our body,after all,we are what we eat! :)

  15. Liebe Mariette,

    ich hoffe, es geht Dir soweit gut. Ganz verstehe ich Deinen Post leider nicht. Mein Englisch ist nicht gut genug ... Lese ich Prednisolon (Cortison?) Das genannte Atelvia und Actonel ist mir jedoch kein Begriff und ich verstehe leider auch nicht so ganz, worum es geht.

    Nur so viel: Ich würde immer zu natürlichen Mitteln greifen, um wieder gesund zu werden, insbesondere den Heilpflanzen, die schon seit dem Altertum bekannt sind und später leider in Vergessenheit gerieten.
    Ich bin jedes Mal entsetzt, wenn ich sehe, wie wenige Menschen z.B. die gute alte Mistel verwenden. Lieber lassen sie sich eine Menge chemischer Bluthochdruckmittel mit vielfachen Nebenwirkungen verschreiben, als zuerst auf die Natur zurückzugreifen.

    Wie auch immer, ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und alles Liebe

  16. Dear Mariette,
    I am so sorry to hear that you feel bad after this medicine and that you have to take it once a week. I hope you will feel better soon.
    Congratulation to the nice award.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  17. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your blog deserves it!
    take care,

  18. I'm sorry to hear about side effects. I hope you feel better soon.

    Congratulations on your award!! It's such a cute award :-)

  19. Dearest Mariette
    I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this comment. Congrats on your new award!!
    P.S. I took your lead on the article and have posted about it.
    Lots of love
    from Joan

  20. Dear Mariette,

    So sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well and do hope that in coming days your health will get better. Sending lots of healing hugs.
    Congratulations on your Pink Lady award, so cute.

    Happy rest of the week

  21. Back to our health chat! :)
    So sorry to hear about your horrible experiences..Why did you become almost paralyzed?...give me an insight on it.Have you been tested for gluten intolerance? for sugar,what is the culprit of this sugar spike, sweets or pastry stuff made with gluten?...I believe you should also see a good natural therapy doctor as they do go much deeper in trying to find the reason behind all your health issues.
    iam a follower here now girl! :)

  22. Congrats on your award! I hope you feel better.

  23. Medication always seems to have some kind of side effect doesn't it? We have to out weigh the good with the bad.

    Congratulations on your blog award Mariette!

    Feel better soon!
    xo Catherine

  24. My dear Mariette,
    I hope you are feeling better by now...

    I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.



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