
Thursday, July 21, 2011

{Ooh La La - I got Featured in French Basics}

That was really 'Ooh La La' for me when I stumbled upon French Basics with MY POSTS being featured there! That made my day/week... If you  click on the hyperlink above, and scroll down to French Basics Blogs, that's where you find me. You also can click at the top of the French Basics page on blog and even more of my posts will show up. French Basics has been removed from the Internet in 2012...


  1. Congrats to you Mariette. Did I mention we are supposed to go to Paris the end of August? Hubby has business there so we are planning a 5-day trip. Looking forward to it as I haven't been there before except for a layover at the airport on the way to the States. :) Have a great day. Tammy

  2. How wonderful and really happy for you to get featured♡♡♡
    The site seems to be a big site with variety of sections!!!
    Many introductios of your goods and giveaway. Congratulations☆☆☆
    Don't they letyou know beforehand?
    I hope this means a big help for your business.

    Lots of hugs and Love, xoxo Orchid

  3. Fantastisch zo'n vermelding,

    Liefs Janny

  4. Wonderful News!!! Oh my dear friend... my wonderful Christofle knife rests arrived yesterday!!! and I haven't stopped looking at them... they are so beautiful. And certainly inspiring me to host a little dinner gathering so I can use them. Even Mr. G. was most impressed ... wishing you a fabulous Thursday ...xo HHL

  5. Hi Mariette,

    I can imagine you feel honoured. Congratulations on being mentioned on their site!!!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wiederhole, was Janny schrieb:

    Sonnige Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Congratulations, my dear Mariette!!! You are awesome, and your blog is so lovely!


  9. Dear Mariette,

    I am so happy for you, dear friend for you to be featured at French Basics, it must have been exciting to find all your treasures there.

    Have a happy weekend

  10. This is very exciting! Congratulations!
    Enjoyed your posts!

  11. Bonjour Mariette. I am so happy you found my blog. I can tell we have a lot in common (even though I do not speak as many languages as you do ;-) I was an exchange student in Atlanta in the mid-80s, and like you, I love the South-East. You have found a new follower as well. Next time I visit my "American family" in Atlanta, I would love to stop by and see you. Veronique


Thanks for your visit and comment.
