
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

{Our Firmiana simplex, Sterculia platanifolia, Chinese Parasol Tree}

Our Firmiana simplex, Sterculia platanifolia, Chinese Parasol Tree is a very special tree that blooms and six weeks later produces seeds. Yesterday I took photos of those seeds so this makes it complete for showing it to you. This tree is original from China, Japan and Taiwan. German link: Firmania simplex for my German readers. Also a Spanish link: Parasol de la China (haga clic en la palabra). It is a very interesting tree with different attractions, huge leaves and large trusses of flowers, than the seeds. And so far it bears the longest botanical name I have come across! Of course I am not talking about a Garden Tour during the HEAT of summer. 
It was May 31, when this photo was taken.
Quite a load of flowers!
Huge leaves; hence its name 'Chinese Parasol Tree'...
Photo taken this morning, look how in six weeks those berry-like fruits (seeds) have developed!
So tell me; were you familiar with this kind of 'Parasol'...?


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist ein Vergnügen, deine
    schöne Seite zu besuchen.
    Wir freuen uns darüber.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. Ooohh wat een mooie boom..die heb ik nog nooit gezien.
    WAT een apparte bloemetjes.
    Zou die hier in Nederland ook kunnen staan?
    Het postje over je autootje is ook leuk, wij hebben hier ook zo'n oudje, een Nissan Patrol van 26 jaar oud, doet het nog prima.

  3. You have so many interesting plants around you. All the plants on my balcony where I took all the photos of the birds have dried up and died since no one was able to water them while we were away. It looks very barren now. Will have to get some replacements soon as I really need to see a bit of green out there and I am sure the birds would like a bit of something to munch on.

    We didn't visit the casino while at the hotel in Kathmandu so I have no idea what it looked like on the inside or how many people visited it. Doesn't make sense to me when you are in a place like that. One should be enjoying nature, not losing their money in a dark casino.

    Have a great day. Tammy

  4. Nach zwei Wochen Blog- Abstinenz, schaue ich hier und staune, über deine Fotos und Impressionen, leider leidet bei uns im Garten alles unter der langen Trockenheit, darum freue ich mich doppelt über dein grünes Paradies.
    Herzlichst Anett

  5. Pensavo di essermi iscritta ieri nei followers...scusa, l'ho fatto adesso! Grazie per essere venuta a trovarmi...ho provato i link che mi hai suggerito ma google non me li da!!!!!comunque ho fatto un giretto più approfondito nel tuo blog ed è veramente STREPITOSO!!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  6. Dearest Mariette, so pleased to hear you seem to be able to figure out how to not suffer from your weekly medication- long may your and Pieter's good health continue.You may not have the wet and windy weather to keep all your roses ( like we have here in the UK)as you fear for this year but the amount of interesting trees and shrubs you have in your garden is staggering !
    Thank you for asking after my lovely old and ill cat Gibson.He keeps on surprising us and was shouting for his breakfast this weekend, but he has good and bad days..and yesterday was not god.he has had loads of vitamin, antibiotics and other good things for him yesterday from the vet and is again rallying... It's a difficult decision to "put him to sleep" as he is still more or less enjoying things like his food, and strokes.. so.. he is still here and much loved..
    Thanks you for all your support and kind thoughts- and a million kind thoughts back to you both and to your lovely cats :-)

  7. Liebe Mritte,
    wie immer eine wundervolle Bildserie.Und danke für den Link.
    Bei uns habe ich diese Pflanze noch nicht bewußt gesehen.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Thanks again for the lovely comments on my blog- and - yea, the stains did get uoput of the embroidered table cloth- but I just chucked it into the washing machine straight away- next time I will try your tip!!

  9. Not at all familiar with it. Do the birds eat those seeds? I have a plant on my deck , I don't know what it is, maybe you can help me... I will post a picture in my next post.

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    was für ein toller Baum, sieht sehr interessant aus.
    Offentliche liebt er die Temperaturen bei Euch .... hier in Deutschland würde er wohl nicht so prächtig aussehen!
    Ganz lieben Gruß

  11. Dear Mariette,
    no, I wasn't familiar with that tree. Not at all. You have trulky a botanical garden. Looks so interesting.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  12. I may have seen the same (or similar) tree somewhere. It looks familiar.
    It's very nice to have it in the garden. Looks beautiful!

  13. these trees are gorgeous. I have never seen anything like them. I love the white flowers, they look like lace.

  14. Dear Mariette,

    It is fun visiting your blog and learning about all these new plants.
    I have not seen this Parasol plant, so thanks for showing us. The white flowers are so pretty and lacy.
    Hope that you are having a lovely week


  15. Thank you for visiting my site and leaving your kind comments.
    Your flower in the garden is beautiful that I love very much too.
    I will most definitely be returning to read about your blog.

    Have a great weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
