
Thursday, August 18, 2011

{Do you LIKE my Paradise?}

Hi there, this is Bandido, or Dido for short. Just lounging on the lawn after supper time... the day is ending fast and sunset is about to happen. But tell me, do you like my paradise? I am so happy that I was born here, after they did bring my Mamita home from Acapulco! Look, my human Papi did cut off big branches and now I can oversee much better the garden. There are still some leaves behind me, Papi had to drag those heavy branches all the way back to the creek. There they are stacked up but they will rot away in no time. There used to be a huge wall of logs but it's all gone now. Nice to play on top of it but if it's gone we must look for something else again. Oh, and I also can climb easily up this huge oak tree. As kittens we used to come here and play chase with each other. Chasing my sisters was always fun! Read about us {You like to meet our 3 Feline Boys?}.
There is a creek, behind the pond... Dido is looking at the pond.


  1. Dido is such a majestic looking kitty - very calm and collected. How old is he?

  2. Dodo is a lucky cats though of course nothing to worry about isn't he/she?
    Some cats are very lucky and some arn't and just like the human.

    No dogs around in the neighborhood:-)
    Have a nice day Dear Mariette!

  3. Beautiful cat, beautiful!!!
    Have a nice day:)

  4. Dear Mariette,
    I was just reading the adventures of Dido when I saw you had commented on my "yard staff". How funny.

    I am glad all of your babies have a beautiful life with a beautiful yard! After seeing your yard it really does make me "clutch my pearls" when looking at mine! LOL

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, Dido seems to be having FUN to have a FAR better view thanks to Papi's hard work!!!
    And also have a huge play ground, haha SO JEALOUS☆☆☆

    ps> Thank you for your generous comment. Whew, tackling with the blogger for a while. Obon finally is over!!!

    LOVE and HUGS, your friend Orchid.

  6. Nice cat and yes he has a beautiful paradise! Always pretty to give an animal space and nature.

    Regards Janny.

  7. Dear Mariette,
    Dido has a paradise with lots of space, a big cat family and caring humans, too. He looks like a panther, calm and beautiful. In my next life, I choose to be a cat in your house.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  8. Certo che ci piace, e' un gatto bellissimo, anche noi ne abbiamo uno, ma e' rosso con delle sfumature rosate, un incanto anche il nostro!
    A presto...Silvia

  9. Dolcissimo il tuo gatto!E il tuo giardino è un paradiso!Baci,Rosetta

  10. What a noble profile, Bandido reminds me of an all black cat I had , who looked just like him, called Miou-Miou( named after the French actress, but really because she miaowed so mcuh when she was little ).The same sleek , glossy coat.Like Johanna, I would like to come back in my next life as a cat- but only if you look after me, hahaha!!
    Dearest Mariette, thank you also for your comments about the walnut liqueur.There is actally a recipe with pecans!!
    here it is:

    If you have no access to green walnuts, but only to pecan nuts, you could try the recipe below which is very similar to the green walnut liqeur recipe as far as ingredients are concerned!

    1 cup brown sugar
    1/2 cup water
    750ml good brandy
    1 cup lightly chopped and well toasted pecans
    1 1/2tsp vanilla
    1/4tsp cinnamon

    Heat sugar and water until sugar is dissolved and let cool. Add all other ingredients and let seep for 6weeks then strain into appropriate container.

  11. This looks like the most wonderful place for a kitty to live. So many lovely places to explore!!!

    xo Catherine

  12. Mariette, Dido has the ideal paradise for man or feline. Dido certainly looks happy and healthy. A goal for all of us.
    Have a great day. Love to you, Georgia

  13. Hi Mariette, all the pictures of your kitties made me smile. And I especially love your previous post with all the cats lined up at their food dishes, with the pet beds in the garage. My goodness but they do have good manners. Ha! Do any wild critters ever try to come through that little pet door? Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    eine wunderschöne Katze in herrlicher Umgebung.
    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir

  15. a beautiful cat deserves a beautiful life.

  16. What a beautiful and majestic cat! and such a beautiful place, no wonder, that he loves this place!

    Have a lovely day and weekend!
    Love and hugs

  17. Tu blog es maravilloso, me ha gustado tanto que lo he puesto en mi blog, en lista de favoritos.
    Mucha gracias por enseñarnos estas bellezas.
    Un abrazo!!

  18. Eccome se mi piace il tuo cat! Anche nella mia casa ce n'è uno e si chiama Matrix. Qualche tempo fa ho dedicato a lui un post. Amiamo moltissimo i gatti. Il tuo ha un'aria così elegante, quasi solenne. Certo che il tuo giardino è un Paradiso! Fortunato il tuo micetto ma anche te! A lot of kiss by Paola


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