
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'...}

In a previous blog of Saturday, May 8, 2010: 3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother I did introduce you to this very special rose. This year however, due to extreme heat and drought, we lost most of our fragrant roses. For the first time ever; no vases with flowers from the garden... Let's hope that next year will be better, even if we have to start all over with our roses. I've been looking already for a replacement of our roses: Jardins de Bagatelle but no luck. If anyone knows where they would be available in the USA or Canada, please let me know! So here are this year's early roses from my Paternal Grandmother or 'Oma Roses' as we call them. You can click on the above blog link to learn more. Those treasured roses are planted where I keep my ROSE STEPPING STONES as an honor.
Even though those perfect roses have been nibbled on by some insect it looks like...
Would anyone know the name of these 'old' roses? They are not fragrant but rather large blooming.
Guess it was not the Bee that made those holes...
Whatever; Bee Happy!


  1. What a lovely shade of pink. And I adore the name "oma". xo, A

  2. What a lovely and beautiful old Rose!
    Those holes in the leaves could come from the "Dickmaulrüssler" ... we had them 2 years ago in our Roses! They makes such holes.....
    Sorry that I don*t know the english name of this bug!

    However, have a lovely time,

  3. Hallo Mariette,
    deine Rosen sind wirklich wunderschön. Hoffe, du findest die Oma-Rosen in USA. Solche Erinnerungen sind wirklich wertvoll. Der Käfer hat zumindest einen guten Geschmack, nicht wahr. Stell dir vor, wir könnten uns von Rosenblättern ernähren.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. Non ti sarò di grande aiuto, non so come si chiama la rosa ma penso che a mangiarla sia un insetto che si chiama Ozziorrinco...anche le mie sono un pò mangiate e pure ammalate...che rabbia!!!...comunque è stupenda!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    ....wunder, wunderschön ist diese Rose. Sie sehen so gesund aus. Meine Rosen sind wie jedes Jahr von der Rost Krankheit befallen. Habe letzte Woche noch ganz schnell ein Mittel gegen dieser Krankheit besorgt. Zum Glück blühen sie trotzdem unermüdlich weiter.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag.
    Viele liebe Grüße,

  6. My goodness ... those are some beautiful roses, and some mighty big nibbles too. I've just watered the plants on one balcony ... it's 113 degrees and oh so hot! Have a great day. Tammy

  7. Those roses are beautiful....chomped on or not :)

  8. Oh, I LOVE GORGEOUS lovely pink roses♡♡♡
    Thank you for the pictures.
    LOVE, your friend Orchid.

  9. Mariette, your garden is always so beautiful. These pink roses are gorgeous, and a living remembrance from your "Oma", that is very special. Some insect is attacking the leaves on my rose bush. I tried different remedies but no luck. xo,

  10. Hi Mariette,

    One word- spectacular. Both the roses and the photo's!
    Thank you so much for always leaving such sweet comments. I used to be so good at visiting blogs.....I do visit in my heart but I guess that doesn't count.
    Thank you for the bd wishes for little sweetpea. As for my soldier son, God Bless you for keeping him close at heart.

    Big hugs,

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschön sind die Rosen! Ich liebe Rosen ja auch sehr. Aber die Namen .... es gibt ja so viele und viele ähneln sich auch. Obwohl ich hier einige Bücher über Rosen liegen habe, finde ich meist nicht, was ich suche oder man bräuchte mehrere Merkmale zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten, wie Hagebuttenform- und -farbe usw.

    Lieben Dank auch für die lieben Zeilen, ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut!

    Zu Deiner Frage noch - ich hatte mich für keines der beiden HighHeels entschieden sondern trug solche, wie sie auch bei dem Kleid zu sehen sind. Allerdings auch in etwa in der Höhe. Machen einfach ein hübscheres Bein, auch wenn's nicht immer ganz so angenehm zu laufen ist wie mit flachen Schuhen ;-)

    Ich selbst bin ja nicht sooo die Süße, deshalb habe ich die Macarons noch nie probiert. Würde sie mir selbst wohl nie kaufen. Sie sind aber sehr hübsch anzusehen.

    So, jetzt muß ich gleich wieder los - es gibt doch noch so ein paar Tagen Urlaub eine Menge zu erledigen. Jetzt hab' ich gleich noch einen Friseurtermin - diese Woche jagt schon wieder ein Termin den anderen ;-)

    Viele liebe Grüße und bis bald wieder

  12. what a beautiful rose picture. I wish I had in my garden. But I have only a big climbersrose. And when there is much wind.... they all bow. have a nice day! mieke

  13. I may have found your rose for you- just compare this with your rose.. The Queen Elizabeth
    just go on Google->Images_>put in : Queen Elizabeth Rose ..

  14. :-)
    be(e) happy, too, dear mariette and have a beautiful week(end)!


  15. :-)
    be(e) happy, too, dear mariette and have a beautiful week(end)!


  16. Liebe Mariette,
    die Rosen sind wunderschön. Gerade diese alten Sorten findet man heute kaum noch.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet

  17. Jammer hoor van de rozen. Wat leuk dat je die van je oma had! En je stepstones(heb ff terug gekeken) zijn ook geweldig, heb er zelf ook twee uit Engeland, maar niet met rozen.
    Lieve groeten,

  18. These pink roses are beautiful,
    One of my favorite flowers too.
    I tried looking at the roses flowers book but I can't find it that you are looking for it.
    I have Red Cross,Mister Lincoln,Whiskey,(I should have BOMBAY GIN too :-)Blue Moon,Golden Moments,St Cecilia. From 1999.
    At the last years they don't look well that because of drought for over six years AND now too wet.
    There for my garden are not same as 2005 and still on the water restrict to not used an automatic water system ....Ohoops!I went off side sorry about that.

    You have a great day.

  19. Mariette, so sorry about the demise of your treasured roses. It has really been a hard summer. My garden is struggling. I think it is just going to have to tough it out. Last month we got a $534.00 water bill and we were out of town for two week. I can replace a few plants cheaper than that.
    I keep looking for my resurrection to come up and bloom. No sign of them yet. Maybe not enough water.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, Ginger

  20. These pink roses are lovely!
    Hope next year they bring double happiness to you. :)


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