
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

{Surprise Your Guests with Champagne on Tray with Romantic Rose Petals...}

For a romantic {Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends}, I presented our silver tray with Italian Prosecco, in French Baccarat champagne flutes, this way.
On page 41 of the beautiful book from Nouveau Tafelen in Stijl (at Table in Style) you will find this romantic tip for surprising your guests in summer time with a glass of champagne, or Prosecco. Arrange the flutes on a sparkling tray that has been covered by rose petals...
This gorgeous book about Decorations; Recipes; Etiquette and Reception is full of practical and romantic ideas.
Some of those ideas I have put into practice a few times and it gives always a nice surprising effect!
We used our solid silver tray that we had custom made in Kotagede, Indonesia.
For another special occasion, actually when Pieter's Goddaughter Myriam was here.
And what about a romantic toast with the love of your life?
Crystal fluted champagne glasses are French Baccarat Piccadilly and they are available at Replacements Ltd.


  1. Cara Mariette,quando apparecchi sai sempre mettere il tuo tocco elegante e raffinato!Buono il prosecco veneto!Baci,Rosetta

  2. How romantic Mariette!
    Have a good trip!

    Regards Janny

  3. Sehr schön, ich könnte jetzt auch ein Gläschen genießen, auch wenn es hier in DE (11:24Uhr) etwas früh noch dafür ist....

    Sieht alles sehr einladend aus.

    LG Lea

  4. Hallo Mariette,
    also, wenn das nicht luxuriös ist. Champagner aus Baccarat-Gläsern mit Rosenblättern - Whow.
    Du weißt wirklich, wie man glänzende Momente in Szene setzt.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat een mooie manier om je champagne te serveren. Het is nu niet alleen lekker, maar ook nog eens een lust voor het oog. Je hebt ook erg mooie glazen!

    Een fijne dag!

    Lieve groet,

    Madelief x

  6. che raffinatezza !!!!!!!!!! un abbraccio grande grande lory

  7. Good mOrning my dear friend... It's amazing how the simplicity of the small things can change the everyday to a fabulous treat not only for the taste buds but for the eyes. Your tray looks brilliant!!!

    Also, your kitchen make-over looks fabulous. It is a blessing to have such a hands on husband! The contractors have been in providing options for the new kitchen cabinets and I can't wait !!

    Wishing you safe travels ... xo HHL

  8. Wat ziet dat heerlijk uit, zo lekker, alleen al virtueel een genot.
    Liefs Anett

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    es muss ein ganz wunderbares Buch sein.
    Champagner auf einem Tablett, verziert mit Rosenblätter, einfach herrlich.
    Liebe Abengrüße schickt

  10. awwwww beautiful !!!!!! love it !!!

  11. Such a beautiful presentation. I love the Baccarat, the silver gallerie tray and the tiny silver bud vase. Great attention to detail.
    What a lovely to greet a favored guest.
    Have a great holiday weekend.
    Love to you,

  12. Liebe Mariette ,das ist eine wunderschöne Idee .Ich denke selbst normaler Sekt macht dadurch eine gute Figur .LG Ina

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    you are such a romantic woman! What a good idea! We don't need an occasion for such lovely moments, don't we?

    Have a lovely time,
    Love and hugs

    Claudia xoxox

  14. How romantic and pretty... I truly enjoy your posts—sometimes very informative, other times inspiring, and often, well, both!

  15. Like those red petals on the tray.


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