
Saturday, September 10, 2011

{Sacha All Boxed Up}

WHY are all felines crazy about boxes? Whenever we put a box in the garage for being taken to the recycle center, our felines claim it and start 'living' in them! Sacha all boxed up in this one...
She loves her new home!



  1. Another kitty cat? How many cute felines do you have? We only have one, but when I was a child, we had six.

    One kitty used to love climbing around in paper grocery bags. Do your cats do that too?

    xo, Adrienne

  2. Pourquoi pas Mariette? This box looks pretty comfortable to me :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Dear Mariette,

    Sacha is adorable and I loved seeing the cute photos of her, in her new home. Our cats used to like doing the same thing.

    Hope that you have a lovely weekend

  4. I must have the weirdes cat alive, she doesn't like boxes at all, except for when she had to deliver her babies. She doesn't like sleeping on sofas, chairs or beds either. No, for her it's the windowill, the laminatefloor or (and this is her all time favourite) on top of the dining table, no matter how often I take her off it, that's her spot. Ah well, every kitty to her own ;-)

    sweet regards

  5. Ciao Mariette e buon fine settimana,baci a te e al tuo gatto!Rosetta

  6. Onze tijgerpoes Mupke ligt mooi opgerold in een doosje op haar laatste rustplaats ...

  7. Dearest Mariette

    It truly is a mystery!! Sacha looks just a darling in that box. We've got several old boxes around which I haven't got it in me to throw out - the kitties are just having such a hoot with them. They actually prefer them over new snazzy ones!
    Thank you for following on Saints & Apostles. I can't believe you're that close - that's Germany as in Europe, yes? Wishing you a lovely time.
    Much love from Joan

  8. So süß!!! Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende Yvonne

  9. Bellissimo il gattino, dolce, delizioso!

  10. Sheer bliss! I'm on a short vacation and my big black cat took possession of the suitcase as soon it was emptied. Enjoy your European trip and newborn celebration! Lots of love ”from the same side of the Ocean”, dearest.

  11. Isn't it funny how all cats are the same when it comes to bags and boxes. One time, Jingles tried to jump into a tiny gift bag -- she actually managed to get the handles around her stomach area and couldn't get out of it. Crazy cat! Hope your day is great. Tammy

  12. Wat een lieverd zeg.......pfff wat een hoop posten heb je nog gemaakt.....liefs van

  13. she is beautiful in her tiger's lair!

  14. Mariette,
    ein wunderschöner Stubentiger. Es ist schon komisch, dass Katzen sich oftmals die originellsten "Schlafstätten" aussuchen.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  15. Your post made me smile as I used to have a cat that loved brown paper shopping bags from the Organic Supermarket and she used to lie down and go to sleep in it.

    Bon week-end a toi,

    Leeann x

  16. ha ha, ja hier ook...onze Rooie ligt oftewel op de overloop in een doos, is hij hier niet, dan ligt hij in de bank in een doos, en ligt hij daar niet, dan ligt hij buiten in een bloembak...en het liefst een iets te kleine..

  17. Awwww Sacha is so cute in a box!! My boys love boxes, too :-) They don't care how small or big the box is. Looks like Sacha is enjoying it a lot. She looks so comfortable and relaxed :-)

  18. Beautiful and soo cute Sacha!
    Pleasant Sunday, kisses:)

  19. So sweet! It is so funny, the things they like. My children would hold open large paper bags and the kittys would dive into them. We once had a kitty that would jump on the bed when we were trying to make it. He would scoot around under the top sheet until we ran him away.
    Kittys are pure entertainment.
    Love to you,

  20. I am not sure why kitties love boxes so much ~ but they do! And paper bags as well ~ nice big ones! Cute!
    xo Catherine

  21. Sacha looks so adorable in her "new bed" ... Dolce can be found laying on any piece of clothing that may not have made it into the hamper... furbabies .. bring us so much love and joy!!

    Wishing you a wonderful week-end..xo HHL


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