
Thursday, October 6, 2011

{6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests}

On March 1, of this year I did post 6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests in Box. You remember, that was the article that got 'stolen' and published in the Herald Dispatch. The article has been removed though! LOOK: My Christofle Photo was published in The Herald-Dispatch. The good thing is that this set, complete in a box, did sell pretty soon. So this time I can offer you the very same but not in a box. These were aailable at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics.
            This is the photo from my March 1st post.
 Here is the set of six, in perfect shape and ready for adoption.
 The Coquille pattern is a lovely one. Only a little cleaning and they're as pretty as ever.
 On my French Gien Rose plate.
 In use with some real knives, on Jacquared Français table linens.
Its top part almost resembles a feisty Yorkshire Terrier's face...
The Christofle mark.
Sorry Sold out...

And again, WHO knows if this was not at the tables of 'Le Ritz in Paris'...?
Get ready for the Holiday Season yourself and dine at home in great style with romance and elegance.
If you click my previous post, you also find the book about Christofle shown at the bottom.



  1. Hi!
    I really dont know why thate post about "soffan" alredy shows, i havent publiched(spells?) it yet.
    It will come 0700 swedish time...

    Really lovely pictures! Have a pictures of yours been stolen? o my!

    Have a great day!
    Hug Anna

  2. How beautiful and elegant these are Mariette :) love them!!!


  3. Hi dearest Mariette,
    deine Messer-Bänkchen sind wirklich sehr schöne Stücke! Und danke dir auch für den Hinweis auf deine Links im Post My French Linen Angels + Info for Toile de Jouy Fabric. Ich habe mir zu dem Link gleich ein Lesezeichen gesetzt, denn es ist immer gut zu wissen, wo ich so schöne Stoffe, Kissen etc. via Internet bekommen könnte. Aber die Kissen dieser Firma sind leider auch recht teuer - die, die ich gekauft habe, sind vermutlich Massenware, sie haben jedenfalls deutlich weniger als 40 Euro gekostet (eines kostete rund 10 Euro, das andere rund 13..., du kannst dir sicherlich vorstellen, wie ich mich über diese "Schnäppchen" gefreut habe!)
    Alles Liebe und herzliche herbstliche Grüße, Traude

  4. Oh wow, how beautiful!!! Such elegance, truly!!!

  5. Dear Mariette,
    I will be back tomorrow night.
    I has been very busy with my younger son's family from last Tuesday.

  6. Hallo Mariette,
    deine schönen Fotos setzen die Messerbänkchen wirklich gut in Szene. Sie sehen richtig toll aus.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna


Thanks for your visit and comment.
