
Thursday, October 27, 2011

{Epiphyllum Bloom Missed Again}

On August 24 I did write about the very same Orchid Cactus, see link below post. Our bad luck must have something to do with us going to Atlanta as it happened again to us. On Tuesday, October 11, I had a business women's luncheon in Atlanta with The Netherlands American Chamber of he Southeastern United States. Pieter did join me and had lunch at the same restaurant where I had the meeting. Very pleasant day and we did some shopping as usual and got home at dark. We had heavy rain that evening and night. Much needed though. I had been monitoring our Epiphyllum, or Orchid Cactus, since September 28 for not wanting to miss out again on its lovely blooms. This time it looked even more promising as it started out with 3 buds. But on October 7, there was only 1 bud left. October 9 were the last photos taken before we went away and than the next day, husband Pieter discovered that we had MISSED it again. Probably during that heavy rain, at night it did open up. Poor thing!
On September 28 we got so excited for noticing 3 buds!
Closeup taken from one of the three buds on September 28...
By October 7, only 1 bud was left, the other two had fallen off...
This is already October 9...
Still the photo above is on October 9th.
Early morning on October 12, after heavy rains all night and evening before.
Either the rain was too heavy or we just missed it while we were in Atlanta.
There will be another year and we look forward to it already!

Related articles

{Epiphyllum Bloom Missed...} | previous post by me


  1. Hi, Dearest Mariette.
    What an wonderful orchid you have!!! Orchid Cactus, so unique aren't they♡♡♡
    Poor thing and unlucky you, but always another chance, right.I truly wish to see them bloom!!!
    Much Love, my friend, Orchid*

    PS> I am having strange mails which notifying me my comments for you are not delivered. I've been seeing my comments in your blog. So just in case, I'll mail you this comment directly. Please ignore it if you can see my comment in your PC.

  2. It should be great!
    I'm sorry for the loss of flowering, but surely you will remake it next year

  3. Querida Mariette.
    Que maravilla!!
    Es una flor fabulosa!

  4. °º♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫°
    Olá, amiga!
    Essa planta é muito exótica, eu não a conhecia... tem perfume também?
    º° ✿♥ ♫°

  5. Hi!
    I think thate the flower was beautiful anyway even if you missed the actuall flower in its full blossoming if you know what i mean.
    Have a nice evening.
    Hug Anna

  6. Dear Mariette,
    I am so sorry that you missed the wonderful bloom of your cactus. I know how sad your are. I guess this cactus is flowering in the night hours like the "Queen of the Night". You know, those are blooming just some hours between sundowning and morning. So sad that we are so many miles away from each other. I have several big cactus plants with such nice flowers and would love to gift you a big one. So I only can give you a virtual hug instead!
    Hugs, Johanna

  7. Hi Mariette, I remembered looking at your plant that had seen before. It's beautiful, and very peculiar flowers done in that part of the leaf of the plant, is actually an exotic beauty. Surely you can see it flourish, that you almost was. hugs. Rose M

  8. Bellissimo Fiore!Peccato che si è perso.Baci,Rosetta

  9. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat ontzettend jammer dat jullie de bloei hebben gemist. Ik moet zeggen dat ik de knop ook al behoorlijk indrukwekkend vind.

    Een fijne dag,

    Madelief x

  10. Hello, Mariette.

    The excellent and lovely work.

    The autumn profound, painted space

    The prayer for all peace.
    from Japan, ruma ❋

  11. That is one fabulous plant!!!! xoRebecca

  12. What a fascinating plant. Too bad you missed it blooming. The closeup of the bud with raindrops on it look so pretty.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm sorry to disappointed for you about your cactus though I believed in all cactus need a dry weather?
    Let's hope next season will be alright.
    Big Hugs,

  14. Das schaut wie Weihnachts- oder Osterkaktus aus - fast auch wie die Königin der Nacht von den langen Blütenhälsen (eine solche besaß meine Mutti einmal und ihre Blüte war jedes mal eine Sensation, zu der auch Nachbarinnen eingeladen wurden, sie zu bestaunen) Leider ging die Pflanze irgendwann einmal ein. Nun lohnt eine Neuanschaffung nicht mehr - es dauert schließlich Jahre, bis so ein Ableger wiederum blüht.

    Nun habe ich noch eine kleine Blogrunde gemacht und jetzt sag' ich gute Nacht und liebe Grüße nochmals


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