
Saturday, October 1, 2011

{My 11th Blog Award}

Exactly one week ago I did receive another award from Laura's blog Casita By The Lake, in Canada. She is a very talented blogger friend of mine, whom I admire for her crafts. She too enjoys nature and gardening as much as I do. Thank you so much Laura for passing this on to me!

Well, do I need to tell some more about me? Guess by visiting my blog regularly you by now have figured out who I am and what I love. Still the ROSES and ANGELS score high. And of course people are always of interest. Sharing fond memories, finding virtual soul mates that cherish the same values and high morals as I do, is such a reward! In an economy that is in a downward spiraling mode it is important to find our abilities for creating with our own hands. For stretching the dollar and making use of fine old antiques in a new way. I have been admiring several ladies that manage painting and restoring old pieces of furniture into lovely new family heirlooms. Knitting, crocheting and certainly sewing is on the rise again. That is exactly the way I was raised and taught; luckily. Nowadays the young girls are not being taught all this, unless a parent or grandparent will do so. But this economic downturn is playing a role in reexamining those values and focusing on nesting, making and re-purposing things, to save money.
This is also the aim of my own business: 'Mariette's Back to Basics' as this is what it is all about. Not for showing posts with luxurious dream homes that only a few percent of the population can afford. It is about showing something from ourselves, from our hearts and our own hands. Be it in baking things or creating clothes, gifts, restoring old pieces of furniture and building a nest that reflects oneself. Not copying something from a magazine or posting like some self proclaimed interior designer.
In this respect I always have admired Guy Kawasaki, the former chief evangelist of Apple. He certainly does have some Japanese back ground but he was born in Honolulu.
Guy Kawasaki uses 5 Secrets of Success for trying to stand out from the Personal Branding herd:
  • Make Meaning, Not Money.
  • Make a Mantra. In three words or less, what are you all about? Kawasaki believes that mission statements are useless. He says, make a mantra instead. FedEx stands for “peace of mind.” What do you stand for, in the simplest terms? Guess my Mantra is: Good Taste and Simplicity.
  • Polorize People. He suggests being great for some people rather than trying to please everyone. Do not be afraid to make people react strongly for or against you. As my former business partner used to remind me, you’re not doing something right unless you’re pissing someone off. That doesn’t mean be a jerk. That means just don’t try to appeal to all people, or you’ll end up a mile wide and an inch deep, mediocre to everyone. -- I certainly can attest to that one! Some people who signed out because I do Polorize People!
  • Find a Few Soul Mates.
  • Don’t Let the Bozos Grind You Down. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone will always agree with you. That’s a fact of life. So don’t let criticism or doubters bring you down. As you live out your mantra, it’s your responsibility to be strong in the face of “no,” and “you can’t do that.” Guy says, ignore people who say you won’t succeed. Use negative words as motivation. Prove people wrong. (See a picture of full text at the end of post...)
Now I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers:

1. A Lovely Journey She suffered a spinal injury in 2009 and needs some visits from all of us!
2. Zaa The Grand Lady from Japan
3. Mari A Pocket Full of Roses She lost her furbaby Pebbles on May 6 and in June her furbaby Bella... Scroll down for following her and leaving her a message to pick her up.
4. Carolyn from ...just one more stitch She has a fabulous GIVEAWAY till midnight October 1st!
5. Denise from All Over Roses
6. Anna from Annashusidingtuna from Sweden

Content Creation Tips from Guy Kawasaki 


  1. Congrats on your 11th award, Mariette. Interesting and inspiring post. Merci. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. How sweet of you, thank you.
    Growing up we all learned to sew. My mother and sisters used to make clothes, and my mother sewed dresses for my Barbie dolls. I have a sewing machine now and I go in "spurts" as far as sewing projects, but I am always mending or hemming something. You would not believe the number of women who cannot hem or sew on a button !

  3. Congratulations!!! You are a wonderful Luxury in life. Always inspiring, informative and wonderfully encouraging and supportive of others!

    I love the Mantra over a mission statement. Hmm 3 words .. Simplicity, Serenity, Serendipity!!

    Wishing you a fabulous week-end filled with love and many blessings..xo HHL

  4. What a wonderful award Mariette!

    It's always so much fun to learn new things about blogging friends.

    I wish for you a beautiful October!
    xo Catherine

  5. Hi Mariette!
    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! For giving this one to me!?!
    I am verry onored (spells?) glad and happy!!!
    Thanky again!!!
    Have a nice saturday!
    Hug hug Anna

  6. complimenti per il tuo premio...è davvero meritato...un bacio e buon w.e. lory

  7. Hi Mariette, thank you so much for entering my giveaway and good luck!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Love, Kristin

  8. º° ✿
    ♥ °
    Bom fim de semana!
    Brasilº° ✿
    ✿♥ °


  9. Thank you for including me in this award, Mariette! I am honored! Although I don't think I deserve it... I am NOT a sew-er or a craft-er person -- my blog is just about what I've been doing or what's going on lately and my thoughts and stories. I sometimes think that others might find it quite boring! LOL! That's why I appreciate the visitors I do have. ;)
    So for you to give me this award makes it all the more special. It was so nice of you to think of me and include me with the other wonderful bloggers. May the good Lord bless you and bring you all the happiness your heart can hold. Thank you again for your generosity in including me!
    Gloria xxoo
    P.S. I read my fellow award winner/blogging buddy's comment above (Lorraine from Little House in the Hudson Valley) and "I" am one of those women who cannot hem anything!!! Although I CAN sew on a button if absolutely necessary. ;)

  10. P.S. I'm back because I forgot to say: Congrats to YOU on YOUR award!! And: my mantra is "laugh" -- just laugh at yourself, laugh at whatever goes bad, laugh at it all. One can find humour in ANY situation! :)

  11. Hallo Mariette,
    erst einmal Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Award. Es ist ja doch ein Zeichen, dass dein Blog gemocht wird und all deine Mühe anerkannt wird.
    Zum heutigen Post: Whow! Da sprichst du weise Worte gelassen aus. Ein Mantra habe ich auch: "Dem Glück eine Chance geben". Denn viele geben Ihre Träume auf der Hälfte des Weges schon auf, weil sie nicht glauben, dass es werden kann. So kann man kein Glück haben.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Cara Mariette,complimenti!Tu meriti tanti premi:della simpatia,cordialità,sensibilità ecc.Baci e buona domenica!Rosetta

  13. Congratulations on your award!! Your blog is so lovely and I always enjoy your beautiful photos!

  14. Dearest Mariette,

    Lovely post and congratulations on your Award!
    Always a treat to come and see what you have to share with us and thanks for your informative and wonderful blog and your friendship.

    Happy weekend

  15. Dearest Marietta,
    Congratulations on your deserving award and thank you for sharing this wonderful post. It is all so true. Your blog and you are always so inspiring and encouraging to me and I have learned so much from you.
    You are a true gem and I am so blessed to know you.

    Happy October and blessings always.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  16. Hi Mariette :)

    First let me give you my congrats on your 11th award :) you always inspire me...and this post is so true....

    Second, thank you soooo much for honoring me with this great award....
    like sweet Celeste said your a gem :)
    bless you tender and caring heart :)

    I have been healing and trying to bounce back to my normal self, with all of you wonderful bloggy gal pals helping me how can I
    Thanks again sweetie, you bless me....




  17. Dear Mariette, Congratulations on you newest award. You are very deserving. We think you are awesome. Love to you, Ginger

  18. Congratulations on your another wonderful 11th ward!!!
    I learned so many things from this post of yours today. Oh,your blog title has such a deep meaning to it. I trully respect it and agree with what you explained here☆☆☆
    And I should come back to read Guy Kawasaki's doctrine well. Thank you very much.

    PS> Oh, what a sweet comment you left me♡♡♡ I really hope God leads all of us into the peaceful heaven. And I appreciate your word; "We still need to complete our task here on earth and will follow one day."; it sure is a PRECIOUS comment for me. Thank you very much!!!
    Blessing to my Dear American friend, Orchid*

  19. Congratulations on your award and I am truly honored you are passing it on to me. This is my very first one! I am not sure I am worthy of such an award but I do thank you!
    Have a wonderful day!

  20. Hello my sweet friend Mariette;

    Certainly this post it is very inspiring for all of us, and I'm so glad you are enjoying this award I passed onto you. Also because gave us the chance to know a little bit more about you, I truly believe you are a wonderful woman and I really admire your mantra, I guess I have to find my own mantra.
    And about this gentleman Guy Kawasaki, all I have to say is that his words are full of wisdom and is an example to follow.
    Send you a big and warm hug my friend.
    Laura =)

  21. Dearest Mariette, congratulations to your 11th Blog-Award!

    Have a lovely week,
    sending Love and Hugs,

  22. Congratulations on your 11th Award Mariette and THANK YOU for sharing it with me... I love the idea of creating a mantra in three words and I agree that it is special to find afew soulmates to journey together with...Infact , I have been " BLESSED" with in that respect. Some of my most cherished friends are internet friends( ha Ha)..I've never met them but wejust seem to click and chat regularly..Isn't it a magical world.

    Thanks for your sweet inspiration and kind visits to my blog Mariette...BIG HUGS

  23. Oh sweet lady, you deserve all the wards and now the 11th! Oh I do have some soul mates, I'm very fortunate and I count you as one and I also know I can open my cyber box and find your awesome and so interesting posts I always learn so much from! You are so very right about all you say and express here my friend. Have a splendid weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
