
Saturday, October 22, 2011

{Our Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' - Rose-of-Sharon 'Diana'}

Here are photos from May 31, June 2, June 4 and June 10 that got misplaced and just a couple of days ago found again. So I like to share this beauty with you. Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' - Rose-of-Sharon 'Diana' is a pure white, single hibiscus that is very strong. Before the hot weather it was putting on quite a show. We also have grown some young plants from cuttings in a pot for next year. The reason that those early June photos show beautiful flowers, is that it was not yet scorching hot weather! At the moment it is pleasant again, with even cooler mornings and evenings. Hibiscus are frequently being visited by the hummingbirds, to snack on the pollen. 
Great for our hummingbirds to snack on the pollen.
Took this photo in late afternoon on May 31.
This is close to the road on the border with our neighbors near our white vinly fence.
Photo taken on June 2.
These are still in a pot. Pieter took the above photo and the two below on June 4.
Each day another bud will open up...
The last photo is taken by husband Pieter on June 10.
Related links:
{Our Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' from Quero, Belluno in Italy} | previous post by me
{Our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc & Our Life in Italy} | previous post by me
{3 Hibiscus Varieties 'KONA' - 'CONFEDERATE ROSE' and a RED variegated} | a previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    unübertroffen schön.

    Alles Liebe
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. It must have put on a very pretty show at the time with all those buds. My moss roses continue to display for me every day. I am so glad our temps are cooling off a bit more day by day. Best wishes to you, Tammy

  3. Hello Mariette,
    this Hibiscus looks really wonderful. So fresh and clean. Here we had the first frost.
    Best greeetings, Johanna

  4. Beautiful Post Mariette. I have never seen White Hibuscus before, my parents had a variety but not white. Thanks for sharing:)

  5. these are lovely. i grew 2 last year in pots, brought them inside for the winter, hoping to keep them, but they brought bugs inside so i ended up pitching them. they are wonderful bloomers, though!

  6. Zo mooi wit !! prachtigggg liefs van

  7. Good afternoon!!
    Always meeting your kind comments on the blog of our friend Inés.
    Today I followed the link and accessed here to visit your space! I hope you don't mind!
    I am delighted with the taste of your blog.
    Beautiful images of flowers.
    A lovely weekend.


  8. Dear Mariette,
    Thank you for visits quickly,Yes I having a big problems with image photos in my post.
    I will try later on I just don't understand why my internet played it up or more likely I made big BOO BOOS.....
    Your Hibiscus are beautiful and the last ones is very bright color which my favorites. A white one does shows a beautiful in the moon light at night, I have a white Azalia.

  9. Beautiful photos, Mariette! I LOVE your fence. I have a Rose of Sharon on my property and it's a pretty flower.

  10. Dear Mariette,
    White Hibiscus♡♡♡ I lve your picture and as Michiko-san said the last one with rain-drops are great!!!
    Love and Hugs to you, Orchid*

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Your pure white hibiscus is so pristine and beautiful.
    I don't think I have ever seen a white one before.
    You must have a gorgeous garden



Thanks for your visit and comment.
