
Thursday, November 17, 2011

{Fall & Winter Preparations}

Because on Friday night, November 11, we did have our very first frost, the pot plants HAD to be moved inside the greenhouse. There was already over-population last winter and as things grow only bigger, it would not quite fit this time. So Pieter did build an additional greenhouse with only thick plastic, adjacent to the greenhouse with Doppelstegplatten, Insulated Polycarbonate Glazing. There will not be a heater on a thermostat, as in the greenhouse, but it gives some protection for the drying and cold wind in freezing temperatures. So let's have a look at what Pieter has build for our green children... 
This photo is taken after the first frost, with everything already inside. Where the adjacent plastic greenhouse has been built, there was still a row with tomatoes that had to be removed...
Our LAST home grown tomatoes for the year. They cannot ripen on the plant but they will also color this way.
Still in the process of building the greenhouse for those tender plants like the Angel's Trumpet Datura and others.
Pieter the worker bee and handy man...
You see still a Key Lime hanging on the tree?
It was a very pleasant day for working out doors, that helps.
The patio we had added last year, as the wood path leading to the greenhouse was rotting away...
Everything inside already and sheltered from the biting wind when freezing.
A look inside the greenhouse with its green residents. Safe again for Winter!
Do you have a greenhouse too?


  1. Good evening my friend... We too (well Mr. G) are in the process of getting the property winter ready.. the roses will be protected with burlap; the leaves collected; wood chopped and stacked; and markers outlining the gardens ...which will soon be covered with snow!! and needing to protected from snowmobiles and winter riding equipment.

    Your green house is such a great idea. I'm hoping that we will be able to add one next summer.. so we can expand the plants that will go in our gardens, that require to be warm during the winter. Pieter is most creative, your green babies will be protected. How wonderful to still be enjoying tomatoes off your garden vines!!...

    Happy Wednesday .. hugs to you and Pieter..xo HHL

  2. Hi Mariette!
    No, we dont have a greenhouse, but i hope we will build one some day.
    We have lots and lots of old windows thate i have plande will be used when we build our greenhouse.
    I miss a place to have all my plants during the winter thate can not be inside the house.
    Have a nice thursday.
    Hug Anna

  3. Ahhhh, devi dire a Pieter che ho bisogno della serra anch' mia si è rotta e mio marito non ha nessuna intenzione di farmene una...allora lo aspetto eh? ahahah!!! Un bacione a te e Pieter, Anna.

  4. Nou kijk voor jullie planten word goed gezorgd toch ?? die Pieter is wel druk in de weer voor jouw hoor....wat een lieverd he??....fijne dag !! liefs van

  5. Hello Mariette,
    Pieter is really amazing busy and full of good ideas. Yes, I have a greenhouse and since that my plants grow and thrives. Especially for all the Citrus a greenhouse is so much better that the dry hot air in the house with low light. I have two separate rooms just like you, one is with heating, one is without. In the cold part I have the Olive and Oleander plants. Citrus and Datura are in the warm house. Warm means 41 degrees Fahrenheit, not more.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. Peter,è un tesoro!Saluti a tutte e due!Rosetta

  7. Hi Mariette
    I envy you your beautiful greenhouse - unfortunately I have none where I can overwinter my plants - you can look at a rich harvest - I see hard working -
    I wish you all the best - Ruth

  8. Wat een heerlijk plantenhuisje, lijkt me ook nog leuk om daar te zitten tussen de planten als het niet al te koud is. Ik heb je button geplaatst hoor,

    groetjes Janny

  9. Liebe Mariette ,tolle Arbeit hat dein Pieter da geleistet !!!So schön diese wunderbaren großen Pflanzen im Sommer auf der Terrasse sind ,hat man doch jedes Jahr das Problem ,wohin damit im Winter .Das Gewächshaus ist ne gute Lösung .Unsere Pflanzen müssen sich leider mit dem Keller begnügen .Lg Ina

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    da habt ihr ordentlich viel Arbeit gehabt, aber es muss halt sein...schön, dass dein Mann soviel dabei gemacht hat, mein Mann muss immer soviel arbeiten und kommt erst spät nach Hause, sodass ich solche gartenarbeiten immer allene mache..

    Wie kalt wird es denn bei euch ?
    Ich habe da garkeine Vorstellung...

    Für heute schicke ich dir liebe Grüße,

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, an additional greenhouse☆☆☆
    Happy for your precious plants.
    What a hard worker your husband is!!! Yes, how lucky you are as I can see he is really talented for everthing.
    Haha, I smile a bit reading you say "Pieter the worker bee and handy man" My hubby said not many men can use the electric saw. I sure respect him!!!

    Have a wonderful TGIF, my friend xoxo Orchid*

  12. Dearest Mariette, Pieter is working so hard but it has to been done. So many tomatoes. Do you do fried green tomatoes?
    Hugs, Ginger

  13. Pieter sure is a handyman. How great that he built another greenhouse for all the plants that need protection. We've not had really cold temps yet but they say January will be freezing. Time will tell. Hope your day is great. Tammy


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