
Saturday, November 19, 2011

{Michelle Obama & Print Unlimited from Horst}

When my friend Ellie and I did visit on September 13, the Museum Lace Factory; Museum de Kantfabriek in my birth place Horst, I encountered a poster from our First Lady Michelle Obama. She is wearing a silk top from designer Peter Pilotto that has been printed by Print Unlimited in Horst.
Print Unlimited about Peter Pilotto and digital textile printing. Jos Bastiaans, who used to work with Stork Prints, is now heading Print Unlimited in Horst where they do digital printing on textile for the fashion and entertainment industry.  Below is a photo with Michelle Obama in Peter Pilotto's Digital Print Silk Top . Also Vogue did publish the US First Lady Michelle Obama on November 10, 2009 in British Vogue. Michelle had purchased the top from a store in Chicago that sells Peter Pilotto designer clothes.
I took this photo from the laminated poster...
Some of the volunteers at the Lace Museum misspelled the name Pilotto...
Thought you would find this an interesting story that the US First Lady, Michelle Obama, actually is wearing something that has been digitally printed on silk in my birth place Horst in The Netherlands...

Related articles and links:

Museum de Kantfabriek Horst aan de Maas | video on Youtube

{Museum Lace Factory - Antique Lace Toer or Poffer} | previous post by me

British Vogue - Pilotto Designs
Michelle Obama in Peter Pilotto My Fashion Life, 5 November, 2009


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Yes, it sure is amazing that she bought a silk top which digitally printed on silk in your birth place Horst. And the designer "Peter Pilotto" said that it was a complete surprise for him she had purchased the top from a store in Chicago.
    I admire her intelligence a lot. I've watched the interview with "Larry King" before!
    Good of Her and happy for you♡♡♡
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, xoxo Orchid*

  2. ♡°
    º° ♥✿
    Olá, amiga!
    É interessante.
    Bom fim de semana!


  3. Wat leuk, ik was vorige jaar in Horst bij de kantfabriek. Mariette als je in Canada bent, mag je reclame voor me maken hoor ( hahah) hart. gr. Mieke

  4. ciao cara mariette, buon fine settimana e un abbraccio lory

  5. Michelle Obama has certainly been recognized for her fashion sense and has brought attention to designers and labels that most had not heard of or paid attention to. She is definitely one smart lady. Hope you are having a lovely time. Best wishes, Tammy

  6. A colorful top. Love the warm colors; very flattering to Ms Obama. The lady has taste! Bon weekend, Mariette. -- Veronique

  7. OH THE NETHERLANDS...a place from where great friends come...thank you lieve Mariette for visiting today and I know you all celebrated about a month ago....HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!! Anita

  8. Hoi Mariette,

    Het is een prachtige jurk die jullie 'first lady' draagt!

    Ik wens jullie heel veel plezier toe bij de bruiloft!

    Lieve groet van Madelief x

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    Michelle Obama ist eine chice Frau und Sie weiß, was schön aussieht. Kein Wunder, wenn bei euch so schöne Sachen gemacht werden, dass die First Ladies diese tragen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ich hoffe, Du hast eine schöne Zeit dort bei der Hochzeit.
    Ich wollte nur ein paar liebe Grüße hier lassen.
    Mein Notebook geht zwar wieder, aber es ist nach wie vor nicht sehr schnell.
    Auf meinen Computer warte ich noch. Er ist zwar soweit fertig, aber ich kann ihn allein noch nicht in Betrieb nehmen, warte auf meinen Sohn, der mir dabei helfen will (da noch einiges fehlt zum endgültigen Start).
    Es kann sich nur noch um Tage handeln - mein Sohn ist z.Zt. wieder verreist ...

    Viele liebe Wochenendgrüße

  11. It is so wonderful to see people in the public eye choosing items from less known creative minds! Hopefully it will inspire others to look at this technique.. her blouse looks lovely!!

    My dear friend I can't believe you are here!!! so close.. I have sent you and email...xo Blessings, HHL

  12. Hei Mariette,

    Leuk om te lezen dat de first lady een zijden stof heeft die bedrukt is in Limburg. Natuurlijk ben ik daar wel een beetje trots op, net als jij...

    Hopelijk heb je een leuke bruiloft gehad en een goede reis naar huis.

    Lieve groetjes,Sandy

  13. Hei Mariette,

    Leuk om te lezen dat de first lady een zijden stof heeft die bedrukt is in Limburg. Natuurlijk ben ik daar wel een beetje trots op, net als jij...

    Hopelijk heb je een leuke bruiloft gehad en een goede reis naar huis.

    Lieve groetjes,Sandy

  14. Dearest Mariette, That is beautiful art. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving, Love to you, Ginger

  15. Missed this sweet post. Gorgeous fabric by a talented designer! Beautiful.

    Thank you for your sweet words dear friend. You bless me more than I have words to say. I'm pressing on. Feeling better after the shots...sore...but better. God is good.

    Love, Rebecca

  16. That is a certainly a big surprise, a good one, I hope.

    Mrs. Obama always dresses nicely, shows good taste in her choices, and I agree, she is an intelligent woman. I dislike when people unjustly try to denigrate her image. Regardless of politics. I have a lot of respect and admiration for her, especially with all the media and the many racial jokes and comments.

    May God bless and protect Mrs. Obama and her family.


  17. La signora Obama,ha buon gusto!!
    Un bacione cara amica sei sempre dolcissima!!

  18. Hello Mariette! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog and follow!
    The tips you left were helpful... I appreciate you taking the time to write it out for me.
    Have a wonderful day!

  19. I really like Mrs. Obama. She seems like a very classy, but down to Earth woman. And always sharply dressed of course!

    Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  20. Jeg kom bare lige forbi.
    Tak for kigget.
    Ha` en god dag.
    Hilsen fra Danmark.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
