
Saturday, November 5, 2011

{Our Canary Island Date Palm + Eco Friendly Tree Ring}

Here I like to show you our Canary Island Date Palm in a planter. We got it for years now and during winter time it goes inside the garage. With our seven felines it was hard to keep them from scratching the soil in the huge pot. Pieter found an Eco Friendly solution for that, at Walmart and it is made from recycled rubber and measures 24" in diameter for only $ 9.87. Walmart seems to have introduced this already in 2008 and now for $ 19.95. Water goes through this recycled rubber tree ring so it works perfect. Pieter had to adjust the size a bit for making it fit inside our planter. He did place the slice he did cut off, on top of the ring as you will see in the photo. The planter came from Home Depot.
This planter stands next to the retainer wall with the fiberglass window boxes with the verbenas. Hopefully for the duration of the month November and than indoors again. For years we could not get a canary island palm due to some diseases but this one I guess is almost twenty years now.


  1. Are you able to get dates from it, or would it need to really grow tall in order to fruit? I will be packing today -- we are off to Sri Lanka again early tomorrow. Will check in with you in about a week. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Met deze herfst/najaar zou zo'n plant hier zo ongeveer buiten kunnen overwinteren .... gisteren was 't buiten 20graden!
    Fijne dag, Inge

  3. Hallo mariette,
    die Palme ist schön, aber der Blumentopf ist fantastisch. Das Muster passt prima zur Palme.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. Your Canary Island Date Palm looks beautiful. I like the tree as it feels tropical :-)

  5. Hi Mariette,
    Your Date Palm is gorgeous. You have such a green thumb and talent for beautiful plantings. Just lovely my friend.
    Sure have missed you while off line and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Yes, lots of new and half already gone. Always so thankful for that.

    Love to you my friend. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and see you next week.

    XO Celestina Marie

  6. This is amazing! Terrific idea to protect it from the cats!

  7. Plants are always so rewarding ... maybe some day it will bear fruit for you ... Lovely ..HUGS

  8. Beautiful palm. I am glad you were able to have it for so long. Love to your, Ginger


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