
Saturday, November 12, 2011

{Our Sedum blooming in the Fall}

Tonight we will have our first frost and maybe the last blossoms will get affected by it. Just wanted to show you our white and pink Sedum as they bloom so nice in our little rock garden. We just collected all sorts of stones, found at our property. Some with fossils and other plain ones. They warned us to be careful for not touching a black widow spider as they live under rocks like those... We never did encounter one though. In general we let all creatures live and roam freely in our garden and wood garden. This rock garden is adjacent to our gazebo, within view from it. Tomorrow I will show you our remarkable blooming Gardenias, photos taken on our 28th Wedding Anniversary day, for those that missed that in my post from 10 November, click {6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} and scroll all the way down. Our daughter Anita did such lovely work!
The next post will show the blooming Gardenias in a setting on the newly tiled patio outside our Rose Suite, that Pieter has finished this week. Stay tuned...


  1. Dearest Mariette
    How lovely to have something in bloom so late in the year - it's very uplifting. It looks to me like you do such a wonderful work keeping your garden inspirational and beautiful and we all know with that kind of effort it pays back manyfold by how you're able to enjoy it. And sorry for being late - but happy anniversary to you. I hope you had a wonderful day. Anita's card is quite moving and what a handsome couple you are!
    Much love
    from Joan

  2. Beautiful! Your garden must be beautiful with all those flowers in autumn!:)
    Have a great day!:)

  3. Dear Mariette,
    your sedum blooms so beautiful - especially the white one - I love all animals in our garden and I am happy when they visit us -
    I wish you a nice weekend - very best wishes and hugs -

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Your garden blooms so beautiful, all the time--as though it was a reflection from your soul. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words that you always have to offer to others.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to you and Pieter!


  5. Oh, our sedums are so BEAUTIFUL NOW, but the fallen leaves are covering them up more each day, as they begin their long winter's rest. Lieve Mariette, DANK U VOOR coming to my friend, FLY like that long-haired woman in the picture. We can do it.


  6. Such lovliness! Even the rocks are pretty. I can't wait to see more.

  7. Hi Mariette, happy belated anniversary to you and Pieter. So nice to see that you still have blooms where you are. There were so many beautiful flowers and so much greenery to enjoy in Sri Lanka. Our temps here have cooled off even more than when we left which is good. Rested up yesterday but today have to get everything organized for back to school tomorrow so moving around a bit more. The swelling on my ankle has gone down but has left yellow, green, black and blue and purple behind. :/ Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  8. Beautiful! It is a blessing to be able to enjoy nature's loveliness so close to the snow time that will be covering everything ; with its own beauty.

    Wishing you a fabulous day, may it be filled with sunshine, so that you and Pieter may enjoy these beauties. xo Blessings, HHL

  9. ♡°
    º° ♥✿
    Essas flores eu não conheço...
    Feliz aniversário de casamento mesmo com atraso. Que vocês sejam sempre felizes.
    Bom fim de semana!

  10. Wat mooi.,......gezellig weekend.....zit lekker uit jouw mooie kopje koffie te drinken......liefs van

  11. Dearest Mariette, Beautiful. My Sedum is gone. Have a great weekend, Ginger

  12. Credo che presto gelerà anche da noi! Che belli i tuoi Sedum, i miei stanno già morendo...quelli bianchi non li avevo mai visti, solo rosa e bordeaux. Buona Domenica carissima Mariette! Anna

  13. Hi Mariette,

    Your sedums still look beautiful! It's getting colder in Holland too. I bought some snowboots last week. I have a feeling I will use them often this winter....

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  14. Deine Sedumpflanzen sehen noch sehr schön aus. In meinem Garten in Deutschland ist der Sedum schon lange verfroren.

  15. It's getting very chilly, recently. The leaves around my house have mostly fallen. Your white and pink Sedum are beautiful! It's really nice to see such beautiful colors when trees are getting brown.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, first frost alresdy! It is chilly morning and night here but if we have sunshine, still is kind of comfortable now.
    I never knew about the flower Sedum. They sure look grow close to rock. Really adorable♡♡♡
    Much Love, xoxo Orchid*

  17. Hi My Friend,
    You have the prettiest garden ever. The Sedum is beautiful. Even the rocks are lovely.
    We came upon the black widow spider twice in our garden. Once in a wheel barrel and once in a thick web. They are not pretty and because of Beazy being so interested, we had to send them to spider heaven sadly, but neccesary.

    Thank you for stopping by today and your kind words. You always bless me more then I can say.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

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