
Monday, November 28, 2011

{Our Sky Pencils - Ilex crenata Japanese holly}

  • On August 20, my husband Pieter planted these Sky Pencils - Ilex crenata Japanese holly. The pots came from Home Depot and are frost proof. Just have a look at these Sky Pencils...

  • Under each pot is a large tile for placing them. Shown also all the balusters, posts and ginger bread from Vintage Woodworks, Texas. Wreath with some real green.

  • Of course we did baby them during the extreme heat!

  • Yes, still on November 12, you see the stark contrast between shade and sunshine, even close to 5:00 PM.
  • These pots were in the shade most of the day, as they're on the north side towards the road.

The Ginger Bread from Vintage Woodworks resembles lace work in wood...
  • This was taken on November 12 and you can see the fall colors. 
  • The oak tree in front of the house (top right) has lost most of its leaves already...

  • To the left of the house is another huge oak tree.
  • Some of the prostrate gardenias did bloom again in November, after the hot and dry summer.
  • Do you keep  evergreens in pots as well?


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    It would be very nice in couple of years time, nice spot to having them.
    Have a nice day,

  2. Hello Mariette,
    your sky ilex are lovely in their planters. I imagine how beautiful they will be a bit upgrown. Really Christmas atmosphere.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    einen frohen Montag wünscht dir

  4. Come cistanno bene davanti la tua bella casa1BACI,ROSETTA

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    in Töpfen habe ich nur einjährige Pflanzen oder sehr robuste, da ich kein Winterquartier habe -

    dein Haus mit der Veranda gefällt mir sooo gut - schwärm -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  6. Your potted evergreens are so pretty Mariette! I can't do that here. It gets too cold in the winter for them not to be in the ground. But I wish I could. So lovely!

    Happy Monday dearest Mariette.
    xo Catherine

  7. Your Japanese Holly is so pretty, and I love the wreath on your door. I always like to look at front porches, and I enjoyed these pictures today of yours.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  8. Ja, ik heb ook 'evergreens', tenminste als je daar mee bedoeld dat het 'altijd groene planten' zijn, buxusbollen, ik ben weg van buxusbollen..
    Ik vind je paddestoeltjes op de trap wel heel erg leuk!!!

  9. Bonjour Mariette. Thank you for stopping by today. I enjoyed reading your Thanksgiving post and learned a lot. It is amazing that your personal family history is so intricately linked to Vancouver bc. What a great story! Thank you for telling me about it. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle) -- PS: I did not know Sky Pencils until I read your post. Très cool!

  10. .... fehlt nur noch der Schnee... so idyllisch.

    Sehr schön lebst Du.

    Gruß Lea

  11. Dear Mariette,

    I do love the front of your beautiful house, with the white paintwork and your green door. All looks very welcoming with the wreath on the door.
    I have never heard of Sky Pencils, new to me and they look great in the pots.

    Happy week

  12. Mariette, your home is just beautiful!!! love your beautiful planters and of course your sky pencils!!!


  13. Love the sky pencils and your front porch. Both are classic. The porch is great for enjoying this nice fall weather. Seems colder weather is coming. Love to you, Ginger


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