
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

{Possum encounter...}

On October 8, around 9:15 PM I did find this Possom inside the garage. Probably looking for some cat food? I did actually run up the stairs to get my camera and threw some cat food to feed it but it was too scared. Not quite an adult it seemed to me but it was drooling from fear. I got you some nice photos though and it gave me some insight too. Never had the oportunity before. They look cute in a way. Amazing long nails they have on their almost human-like fingers! It is NOT a rat; it is the only North American marsupial; buideldragend in Dutch; Beuteltier in German. In Australia you do have other marsupials like the koala, the kangaroo and the wombat. Meet one of our Garden Critters:
The first photo I got from this Possom. He/she is standing next to the litter box from our cats. This is for bad weather emergency use... very rarely. The cat food that I threw out, is not being touched... Look at its LONG finger nails!
One minute later... I moved something out of the way to the left and it is drooling out of fear for me...
Those ears!
Showing its teeth; they have about 50 of them. That is the highest number found in any mammal.
The full length and here you can see its long hair and long whiskers and eye brows too.
It's not a RAT!
It's the only North American marsupial. Click for video with info, scroll down: → The 'Possum Pages
Possums are nature's sanitation engineers.
They eat mice, rats, cockroaches, fruit, grain, berries, carrion, insects, snails, carrion, insects, snails, snakes, etc.
All the things you don't want in your yard or house.
They are prey for foxes, coyotes, snakes, owls, hawks, dogs, and HUMANS - against which they have no defense.
The chances of a possum having rabies is EXREMELY rare.
A possum is highly resistant to rabies.


  1. Wat een mooi dier!! Van veraf lijkt het idd wel op rat!

    Ik vind het niet erg dat we zoiets hier in Nederland niet hebben!!

    Groetjes van Thea ♥

  2. Ha! ha! Ok, You had me convinced possums are [fairly] friendly and useful. Still, I am sorry but I don't find him that cute, Mariette. He scared the living daylights out of me, your little drooling friend! -- Veronique

  3. Wat een pracht beest ...met mickey mouse oren !!!....ik ben wel blij dat ik hem hier niet tegen kom in de schuur ofzo....hhaahhaha!!....liefs van mij...♥.. ♥... ♥....

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    What a sweetie so close to the house :O)But it does not look too cuddly ;O)

    HAve a lovely week,
    sending love and hugs

  5. The Possums are protect of animals in this country.
    But they are nuisance ate all our gardens the fruit and foods.
    One day my younger son's found at their house top of inside roof..
    when they go to the bed then they can hear noise from roof dancing...
    My son' report to the local council
    there sent to their house to corrected the possums and charge $500 it was lots of money....
    So far not many people are wanted them.

  6. Fascinating Mariette, but I am rather pleased to know that I will never stumble across one of these in my garage.


  7. Liebe Mariette,

    das Tier ist in seiner Angst ganz rührend, obwohl sein langer Schwanz tatsächlich an eine Ratte erinnert. Dennoch möchte ich es nicht in meiner Garage haben.

    Liebe Grüße von Elvira

  8. Oh Mariette! This little guy does not look too happy! I hope you had a zoom lens on your camera and were not standing too close too him!! Hopefully this wee marsupial found his way back into nature!

    xo Catherine


  10. What a little darling ... though I think I would have been more frightened than him...Thanks for being brave and capturing him in photos .. he is truly an amazing critter and one of Mother Natures little babies.

    Loved the photos of your Maple trees ... their colour is spectacular!!Happy Tuesday, xo HHL

  11. Che belle foto sei riuscita a fare! Hai ragione, le zampe sembrano mani, che strano questo animaletto! Spero che riesca a sopravvivere anche se ho capito che è una facile preda! Un abbraccio, Anna.

  12. He is cute.... what happened to him?

  13. Non avevo mai visto unanimale del genere,si vede che èspaventato.Poi dove è finito?Baci,Rosetta

  14. I am surprised it didn't "play dead"! You caught some amazing photos and their feet do look like human fingers BUT I still don't like 'em and don't want 'em anywhere near me or my house! Ack!!! xo

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    hast du eigentlich den Trubel um Heidi miterlebt, das schielende Opossum im Leipziger Zoo? Hier der Link:
    Dein Opossum ist wirklich niedlich, allerdings hätte ich mich auch gefürchtet, dass es aus Angst beißt. Du bist ganz schön mutig. Aber schön für uns, dass du es fotografiert hast.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  16. Hola Mariette.
    En mi blog hay algo para ti!
    Con todo cariño!

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    so nah und in diesen vielen Positionen habe ich dieses Tier noch nicht gesehen. Sehr gute Aufnahmen.
    Was mag in dem tier vorgehen, wenn es so eine Angst hat?
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  18. °º♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
    No princípio achei que ele estava babando para se defender. Apesar do rabinho parecer com o de rato, ele é bem bonitinho.
    Bom restinho de semana!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  19. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, God.... What a guest you had and amazing pictures you took☆☆☆
    Yes, his(?) feet looks like humans. And they are marsupials not rats, surprising!!!
    I don't want them around, "so scary" P;)

    PS> I had a problem with windows-mail. Whew... finally fixed, had a tough day!!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful week, xoxo Orchid*

  20. Fabulous pictures Mariette... Thank You for the enlightening education on the possum....

    Just a quick note to let you know I could not access your 20 tips posting ...perhaps could give me the month and date of the post as it sounds interesting... In the meantime I'm off to visit a few more of your blog write-ups...Hugs

  21. Dearest Mariette, I would have been so frightened. I would have been afraid of the drooling, as they can carry rabies.
    I am so glad you got the photos and that you are safe and the opossum is safe as well.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Love to you, Ginger

  22. Hi Mariette~I once stumbled across one in my bath tub, can you imagine my surprise and shock, I did let out a big scream that nearly brought down the
    Great pic's my brave friend :)


  23. Dearest Mariette:
    What a lovely creature! Certainly it looks so afraid of you. Once I saw a Possum very near to our home, unfortunately a car ran over it, and that was it. It is very interesting to know they are the only North American marsupials. Always is good to find out facts about all the animals that surrounds us.
    Thanks for sharing this information.

    Send you a big hug my dear friend,

    Lots of love,

    Laura =)


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