
Monday, November 21, 2011

{Summer Fade-Out & Fall Fade-In + Update}

Just got home today from a fairy tale wedding in Toronto, Canada. Quite a trip for getting home, the day after the wedding, but we made it to Atlanta by coach, plane and car. Now catching up at home and first having a good night sleep! As soon as I do have some official wedding photos I might post some, but in general we do respect other people's privacy and for that reason we ourselves did not make any. Leave it to the different professional photographers and it's up to the bride and groom for granting permission to publish any. Hope this does answer some blogger friend's request for posting wedding photos...
What do YOU think about this?
As I'm worn out, I will post just some Summer Fade-Out and Fall Fade-In photos from us in our garden.
Dear husband Pieter on August 16, near our Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) and our feline girl, Tiggy-Tiger, to the left.
Only a small section of the Variegated Ground Ivy Glechoma hederacea 'Variegata' is alive, due to the scorching heat.
Did you lose some of your ground covers or perennials this summer?
Tiggy-Tiger our feline girl is next to the palm tree...
Our soft leave Agave Attenuata or Fox Tail Agave is drought tolerant! This photo is from November 6 and it did very well as you can see.
Do you have any type of agave?
Of course, this pot has to go inside for the winter season!
Wearing my rib cord Newsboy cap, similar to a French beret.
One of my several Hats...
Woolen gray pants are from Escada as is the orange blouse.
On October 20, with gardener Pieter, next to our evergreen oak. To the right you can see the Agave!
Until next time and I would love to hear from you about those questions...
THANKS for taking the time to reply!


  1. hi mariette,
    I've found you on blog by claudia (nunus stoff und garnlabor).
    I like your posts and I find it interesting and I've now registered as a follower ;-)
    many greetings from austria
    (canada ismy favorite country!! i love it)

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    ich habe keine Agave und auch keine Palme. Aber sie passen toll zu eurem Garten. Ich bin immer abgelenkt durch die netten Menschen, die ich auf den Fotos sehe. :-)
    Schöne grüße, Johanna

  3. Hello Mariette

    I admire your sensitivity: I think it is always important to respect people's right to privacy.


  4. Rust goed uit Mariette! Mooie stad trouwens, Toronto.

  5. These are wonderful photos .. You and Pieter look great! Looking at your beautiful agave .. makes me wish we had one. Will need to wait for such beauty until we have a green house to store them during the cold, Canada winters.

    It's a shame that the heat took its tole on the ground coverings, hopefully after a long winters rest ... they will come back full force spreading their roots.

    Wishing you lots of rest, travelling has a way of sneaking up and depleting ones energy a day or two - after you have settled in.

    Sending you hugs and love from the cool Canadian weather..xo HHL

  6. I would really like to go to's one of the places on my list, and my list is very long hihihih......
    But someday !!!!
    Have a nice week.
    Bianca xx

  7. Hoi Mariette,

    Wat een mooie foto's van jou & Pieter! Fijn om te horen dat jullie zo'n gezellige tijd hebben gehad in Toronto. Ik ben heel benieuwd naar je foto's!

    Een gezellige nieuwe week!

    Madelief x

  8. Mooie foto's, en ik vind je vestje super leuk!!!
    Ik heb ooit veel agave's gehad, ook diegene die jullie nog hebben staan, nu heb ik er nog maar 1, een kleine soort.
    Ik had op een gegeven moment 80 grote kuipplanten, waaronder ook die agave's, maar het werd allemaal wat teveel, en dan moet je keuzes gaan maken...dus de kuipplanten zijn weg, heb er nu nog maar een paar.

    Atlanta klinkt mij nu bekend in de oren, voorheen wist ik maar amper waar het lag, maar op onze cruise van september, hadden we 2 Amerikaanse dames uit Atlanta als tafelgenotes, dus ...

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    neben deinem schönen Blog freue ich
    mich immer, hier Worte von Johanna
    zu lesen. Sie kommentiert auch bei
    mir so treu.

    In lieber Verbundenheit

  10. Hello Mariette, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, I hope you follow me on my journey - not sure where I am going yet but hopefully in time it will evolve... I agree with you, one can't take photos of others and post them on public sites without their permission... etiquette to ask them first. Goeie naand (Afrikaans for have a good evening)

  11. Dear Mariette,

    I enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos of you and Pieter all dressed up.
    Your garden is really beautiful and loved seeing your gorgeous palm and
    agave. I have a parlour palm but do not have any agaves.
    Glad that you were able to travel to the fairytale wedding and travelling can be very tiring.
    Hope you have a lovely week and you can get some rest.


  12. Hi Mariette!!

    You have such a lovely sense of style, just beautiful! You look like you should be in the movies!

    Did you know that the photo of Peter taken by the tree was taken on my birthday? lol

    I agree with you about the wedding photos. There are many photos of our family (sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, etc) that i just don't post for the same reason as you. Their privacy. If they approve that is entirely different!

    ((((hugs))))) to you!

  13. Dear Mariette,
    The photos are very nice of your husband and yourself even the gardens grand are dry but other green plants are does look nice.
    The Agave plant: Yes! my next door people has in their garden and I will sent you photos.
    I agrees with you on your bed that I think nice to go away and always nice to come home to sleep in your bed.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
