
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{World's Prettiest Roses by Janny}

Already twice before, I did do a post about the incredibly talented Janny who lives in France. Definately the World's Prettiest Roses by Janny. On August 31, while we were in The Netherlands, she was published in the renowned Dutch paper De Telegraaf. I've also made screen shots from the article in both English and Dutch and will post it here below. Janny van der Vliet's blog, Paper Roses Old Style you can find here. Don't forget to take her button with you and join her beautiful blog with Google Friend Connect. She did start her English blog, besides her French version. This is something not to be missed! Her roses are available for sale and if you see my post below about La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny! you can see how gorgeous her roses are. Great for decorating, even for Christmas, as her last post is all about. She did a lovely paper roses wreath for Christmas. Read here: ROZEN VAN PAPIER. Congrats Janny!
English translation
Original Dutch version
Original Dutch version
English version
Original Dutch version

Related articles:

{LOOK who's in the French Style of May/June 2011} | previous post by me
{La Vie en Rose - MERCI Janny!} | previous post by me


  1. What a beautiful Rose, dearest Mariette! Thank you for sharing this with us!
    Have a lovely day,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Wat een schitterende rozen maakt deze dame, ze zijn bijna niet van echt te onderscheiden.

    lieve groetjes

  3. So kind of you to think of me, I'll send you some roses before Christmas!

    Lots of love,


  4. janny è bravissima!!!!!!!!! un abbraccio forte lory

  5. Dear Mariette,
    Those roses are beautiful!

  6. I love the David Austin Old English Roses...

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ich bin immer wieder überrascht darüber, welche "Schönheiten" du uns Nehebringst. die rosen sind faszinierend.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt

  8. Dear Mariette,
    What a wonderful post on Janny, she is so talented. Thanks for sharing this article!
    So glad you came by, I am happy you enjoyed reading through Belle. Thank you!
    Hope all is well with you. We need to touch base soon. I owe you an email, where does the time fly to!
    Are you ready for CHristmas?
    Hope your having a marvelous week,

  9. P.S. Hope your nasty cold is better soon. Take care!

  10. Dear Mariette,
    I hope this finds you much improved!

    Beautiful, beautiful roses..all the beauty without the work of growing them!!

    Thank you dear friend for your excellent advice and help..with your help I will have a decent blog in spite of myself!!

    Hugs,hugs and more hugs,


  11. What a wonderful post... This is perfect for me .. being new to the rose garden, I need all the information and tips I find. Hope all is well... sounds like you are getting a cold? Hope it passes and does not keep you down long... sending many hugs and blessings xo HHL

  12. Dear Mariette,

    The paper roses are so beautiful and I thought they were real.
    The beauty of these they would last for a long time.
    So sorry to hear that you have a cold, and hope you are feeling better and over it.

    Happy Thursday

  13. I read a german blog and after I come here. and what I see : Jenny
    I know Jenny and we live in the same village !!!!!!! in Provence !
    Her paper roses are always beautiful.
    I am french, excuse my bad english !
    have a good evening
    marie paule

  14. Mariette, wat leuk dat Marie-Paule mij hier nu ontdekt heeft ken haar, we zijn alletwee lid van de tuinclub.Wat is de wereld soms klein hè? Leuke reacties allemaal, ik krijg er zelf niet eens zoveel!
    Morgen naar Parijs!

    Liefs Janny


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