
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

{2nd Advent & Great Family Time}

After a hectic week, I finally got almost rid of my cough. Our daughter Liz is staying with us and that made the 2nd Advent very special for all three of us. Sunday we had a lovely dinner together at home and Monday night we did dine at Ristorante da Maria. That was another delicous 5-course meal together with our extended family. The weather on Monday was incredible; 24°C or 75°F. Monday afternoon while Pieter went biking with daughter Liz, I finally could add the French rose ribbon around our Rosemary topiary and make some Advent photos.
Point a la Ligne Christmas rose candle (see page 12) to the left and star candle to the right on a Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse platter.
The green star candle emits a wonderful balsam of fir needles...
December 5 was a SUNNY day in many ways...
At 4:58 PM still 22°C or 72°F.

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  1. Hi Mariette!
    Good to hear thate your cold is soon to be over.
    Here we hade our first snow last night but i rather have your weather with sun och 22c.
    Hug Anna

  2. Heerlijk dat ze er was !! genieten.....en nog heel lang na...liefs van

  3. Hi! Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, how nice to hear you finally got better and Happy for you and your husband to be able to have wonderful time with your beloved daughter♡♡♡
    Your candles are beautiful. And I enjoyed seeing the variety of them from the page♬♬♬
    Blessing to you, from Japan, xoxo Orchid*

  4. meine Liebe, schließlich seht Ihr Euch nicht oft, da ist dann ein Zusammentreffen nach langer Zeit wirklich Anlass genug, so wunderbar essen zu gehen ... freue mich, dass Ihr die wenigen Tage zusammen genießt ... lasst es Euch gut gehen!!! und was das Wetter bei Euch betrifft, so kann ich mir nur schlecht vorstellen, bei dieser Wärme in Weihnachtsstimmung zu kommen?! wie ich sehe, hast Du schön dekoriert, und die tollen Kerzen brennen auch dazu ... und die hübsche Schleife um das Rosmarinstämmchen ... überall Rosen? Du bist wirklich eine große Liebhaberin "der Königin der Blumen" ... herzliche Grüße und alles Liebe ♥

  5. So happy that you are feeling better! What a wonderful joy to be able to spend the second Advent with your daughter! Truly a blessing.

    What a beautiful setting you have created. Your Point a la Ligne Christmas rose candle is gorgeous!!

    We received our first snow fall over night ... It looks so beautiful looking out onto the property over breakfast. But I'm not looking forward the cold weather that will be upon us.

    Wishing you and Pieter a wonderful visit with your daughter, Liz. Hugs from the north, to all xo HHL

  6. I am so pleased you are almost well!! The last little cough really wants to hang on, doesn't it? Drink lots of tea with honey and lemon and get back to 100% soon!!

    hugs and love to you and your family during this beautiful advent time!!

  7. Wat fijn zo´n leuk bezoek!
    Mooie kaars hoor!
    Fijne dag wenst,

  8. Dearest Mariette
    I'm so pleased to hear you are having some quality time with your daughter. Your advent images are lovely - I love the little rose candle. Funny, we've had very similar weather - mid twenties and gorgeous sun and warmth. I'm curious as to whether the cards have arrived, just so I know how long it takes to reach the US.
    Much love
    from Joan
    - oh, and so happy to be back online. Our internet has been down for 10 days.

  9. Hello Mariette,
    it is surely a wonderful time with your daughter. I wish you a soon recovery from the cold and happy days.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  10. So beautiful, Dear Mariette. Love to your, Ginger

  11. Wat gezellig voor jullie dat "Liz" er was en heerlijk gedineerd. prahctige kerstversiering met mooie kaars. Het boompje is een rozemarijn?

    Liefs Janny

  12. What a lovely rosemary topiary you have there ! Very festive.... Happy second advent to you and you loved ones .Much love.Bea

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Beautiful indeed! The stunning flower candle instantly caught my eye. (though the entire photograph and all that is in it is gorgeous) I would love to have one!

    Also, how wonderful that your daughter is with you—do enjoy every moment and new memory with her this season...

    Wishing you a lovely day &
    I hope you feel 100% very soon!


    p.s Your thoughtful comments are some of my most favorite to read—thank you so much :)

  14. Hi Dear Friend,
    So sorry to read you were not feeling good but glad you are doing better and cough better. How wonderful to have your dear Liz with you especially this time of year devoted to family.

    Love your pics and the rose candle is gorgeous. The ribbon at the base of the tree is the perfect touch.

    Enjoy your time together and blessings to you all as you make lifetime memories.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. You always bless me more then you know.
    Love to you and yours, Celestina Marie

  15. I'm so glad you are feeling better Mariette! It is no fun being sick especially for so long. Your display is very pretty. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your family. That is wonderful!

    Have a lovely evening Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  16. Dear Mariette,

    Sounds like you are having a lovely time with your family celebrating Sinterklass.
    I love your pretty candles, and the topiary tree.
    Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend


  17. Ciao Mariette, un Avvento perfetto direi!
    Sulla temperatura mi fai un po' invidia, da noi è arrivato il freddo!
    Un abbraccio,


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