
Thursday, December 15, 2011

{Fabulous GIVEAWAY at High Heeled Life}

This gorgeous LADY CARLYLE Royal Albert teacup and saucer will be given to one lucky winner, regardless from which country! Giveaway ends on December 24th. Please read all about it at Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista's: A Nutcracker Christmas - and - Christmas GIVE AWAY For your convenience I've created already a button to take back to your blog for placing on the sidebar. Just scroll down for getting your button...
Below is the button for taking home with you.
Good luck!

Button removed...


  1. OOh! Mariette!
    Que taza tan bonita y tan fina, es preciosa!!
    Feliz navidad!!

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist mal wieder zauberhaft schön.

    Alles Liebe


  3. Hallo Mariette,
    ja, diese Tasse ist wirklich toll und ich finde es wirklich großzügig von Celia, dass sie alle Leser einschließt rund um die Welt.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  4. Hi,Dearest Mariette.
    What a GORGEOUS cup♡♡♡
    Oh, I think I will try enter the give-away. Thank you very much for the information from your precious friend!!!
    Blessing to you, xoxo Orchid*

  5. Dearest Mariette , Thank you so much for the mention... and creating that button... you are most thoughtful!! Good luck on the draw... many blessings to you and Pieter! xo HHL

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschön schaut die Tasse aus!
    Wir haben selbst auch noch so einige Sammeltassen, die wir allerdings mangels Platz auch bald abgeben werden.

    viele liebe Grüße

  7. Hi Mariette, What a lovely giveaway and your kindness to spread the word so thoughtful. Thank you for sharing.
    Christmas Love to you,
    Celestina Marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.
