
Thursday, December 22, 2011

{History of the Poinsettia}

History of the Poinsettia

In 1825, Mexican Ambassador and Charleston native, Joel Roberts Poinsett found a pulchritudinous red flowering plant while wandering on a mountain trail in rural Mexico. He was so taken with the flower that he collected a few specimens to take home to his Charleston greenhouse. In 1832, Dr. Poinsett began to successfully propagate the plant species in America. The Poinsettia became synonymous with Christmas and it is now known as the Flor de Noche Buena" or "Flower of the Beautiful Night (Christmas Eve)." Robert Buist, a famed Scotch gardener and taxonomist named the plant after learning about it from Dr. Poinsett in the mid 1830's. For info, click on the name: Joel Roberts Poinsett. Now I like to show you our red Poinsettia together with our special leather deer from India...
This is a beautiful handmade deer from leather. A gift that we got in Pune, Maharashtra state in India, from the company we did consulting for.
The craftmanship is incredible! Even the antlers of this stag are made of leather...
Nice Christmas combination; Deer with Poinsettia...
Memories from afar...


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    how lovely ........nice combination with the Deer :O)
    Wishing you a very happy Merry Christmas and a lovely and peaceful time with all your familiy!

    Sending love and hugs,

  2. Que interesante!
    Gracias por la informacion.
    Feliz navidad!

  3. Lieve mariette,
    Prachtig vind ik je kerstroos en zoals jij hem benoemd als mooi bloem van de nacht klink toch wel veel mooier.....Het zijn wel hele sterke planten ..Mijn schoonmoeder had ze soms nog in de zomer in de kamer staan....EN je hertje die vind ik trouwens ook erg mooi.....
    Ik wens je samen met je man en je dierbaren een hele fijne feestdagen en een gelukkig en vooral gezond 2012...Bedankt lieve Mariette voor je altijd lieve comments op mijn blog...Ik waardeer het zeer en ik hoop dit voor het volgend jaar weer wordt vervold... het is toch wel heel waardevol...
    Lieve groetjes.....Elly.

  4. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Chère Mariette, je vous souhaite de bien heureuses et douces fêtes de Noël ☆☆☆☆☆☆

  5. Sending you love and peace and very blessed New Year Mariette

  6. Hi Mariette,

    Yes the combo is wonderful! The deer is amazing.


  7. happy to see a beautiful craft work which is from india...

  8. Hi Mariette, that your beautiful poinsettias, here are known by the name of pascuas' . I did not know anything about the origin of this beautiful flower synonymous with Christmas! So always pleased to visit you and always learn something! I wanted to make comments several times, but could not, would not open the window. "I look forward to today! The gift of the Indian deer, looks beautiful! The contours perfect! A great piece of craftsmanship! I hope this Christmas you our Lord Jesus grant the desires of your heart! Congratulations to you and your husband! affections, Rose M.

  9. Interesting info about poinsettia. I always wondered why it's considered a Christmas flower. Your poinsettia plant is lovely. And the deer is very pretty.
    Happy Holidays!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Wishing you a wonderful beautiful magical Christmas and all the best to you in the New Year!
    xo Catherine

  11. Your deer is just beautiful!... and he looks so gorgeous with your poinsettia... Merry Christmas to you and your family!... xoxo Julie Marie

  12. beautiful photos together. that deer is amazing! what a treasure! priceless beauty!

  13. Hallo Mariette,

    Het is niet zo mijn bloem. Sterk is ie wel. In Spanja en Portugal staan ze in de tuinen, zo groot!!

    …....... /)
    ……... ( , )
    ……..|░░░|☆ merry _(♥)_
    …¨˜“გª¤.¸::¸.¤ª☆“˜¨¨happy new year.

    Fijne Kerstdagen,
    Merry Christmas,
    Glaedelig Jul,
    Merry Christmas,
    Joyeux Noel,
    God Jul,

    Liefs van Thea ♥

  14. Hi Mariette, as much as I love Pink, I do enjoy decorating this holiday season in reds. Your deer is adorable :)

    Hope you are having a safe Christmas Eve!



Thanks for your visit and comment.
